stolen ducklings

crazy goose lover

9 Years
May 17, 2010
Athens Illinois
Well I let my 4 week old ducklings out in the yard today. Temp is finally warm enough for them to get out and have some fresh air and greens. My buff sebastopol gander immediately stole them from me. He shook his feathers at me, hissed got his neck between me and them and that was all she wrote. They now belong to him. I left them in the yard with him to babysit. When I returned a few hours later they were nowhere to be found. The gander had herded them into a corner of the yard where the patio furniture is being stored for winter. He put them back in the corner of his little barricade and he guarded the entrance. He was determined no one was going to take them from him. Could not leave them out overnight, so I put on coveralls in case I got attacked and went in from behind the barricade and garthered the ducklings. Couldn't stand to break the ganders heart so instead of going back to the brooder I put them in his night house. Well his goose is sitting on a nest there and she screamed at him but good. I can just imagine the conversation was something like Don't you think I have enough to do sitting on this nest. I don't have time to raise someone elses children and him saying back, Please please can't i keep them they are so cute. I will take care of them I promise you won't have to do a thing. And she responded sure, sure i have heard that before. Well anyway after a long shouting match they have all settled doen for the night. Gone from mine to his in the blink of an eye. I know I have read on hear that it could happen and now I know. I am the provider of food water and shelter, but not the parent.
Will they be safe? (I mean, will the hen sebbie not hurt them since she's sitting and she knows they're not hers?) Other than that, I'm all
for your gander!!!
What a wonderful father he will make to his own when they hatch. I have my own goose that adopts all the young ducks as they go to live outside- still only young- I am sure she is a female though. I brought her home as a day old back in October- and she was raised with ducklings. Every time I take new ducklings outside she will gather them into her little flock and herd them about- she goes running after them if they wander too far away. She gets very upset when any of " her" ducklings are sold. They may be a different species...but it doesnt mean that the parental instincts will not extend to include a close " cousin." Thank you for sharing your story- but sorry to hear your ducklings now have a new daddy..
Are these his kiddos?

At first I was thinking of that show sister wives. It is the one where the man has 3 or 4 wives. I think he had 3 and then dated/married another on the show.

I was thinking the gander is bringing more *wives* home to the current wife,lol.
My mom has 2 ganders that do that every time she gets ducklings. If you put ducklings outside in a pen they will have a fit! They want those ducks out. And they become very protective of their new babies.

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