stopping watering nipple leaks


5 Years
Apr 15, 2019
Central Coast, CA
Hi all -

I'm putting the finishing touches on a coop, and want to have line-fed watering nipples. I've used nipples in the past, and they worked fine, but they were gravity fed. My efforts with line-fed have failed; no matter how little I open the supply line, the pressure is too high, and at least one of the nipples leaks. I even put in a drip irrigation flow restrictor, with no improvement.

So...not sure what to do. Part of the problem might be that the nipples I got just aren't that great. They're the PVC mounted yellow ones on Amazon (made in China). They worked for my gravity fed system. So, my first question is: does anyone have any recommendations for high quality nipples?

Second question: does anyone know of a source for a pressure regulator? I just can't find what I'm looking for.

This has become quite frustrating. I'm determined to get a leak-proof, line-fed water source for my birds, no matter what. I'll pay whatever it takes, up to the cost of a small car (well, no, not really) to get this done.

Thanks for any suggestions...
Nipples aren't designed to hold back 60 psi of water pressure. Rather than a pressure regulator, I'd use a 5 gallon bucket with an auto fill valve (basically a toilet tank valve) and let your water line gravity feed from the bucket.
Thanks for the reply. I certainly didn't expect to find nipples that would tolerate line pressure; that's why I was looking for a decent pressure regulator. But the ones on Amazon seem to only go down to 14 PSI, which still might be too much for nipples.

Your idea is interesting, though. Thanks for the suggestion.
That QC supply product is really interesting...I wish they made one that was only about 2' long. (I'm still hoping to put this inside the coop.) I may go with the idea of a tank, and a shut-off valve. I wonder if I can find a square tank, to make it easier to install on the side of the coop. Lots of interesting ideas here, though...thanks, and keep them coming please.
Hi all -

Just a progress report for anyone interested: I installed two pressure regulators, and successfully got the water pressure down to about 7-8 PSI. Unfortunately, that is still too much, as one of the nipples (the one closest to the inlet) has a very.slow.leak. Frustrating to get so close, but I'm going to give up on that route.

I really wanted to avoid a tank and fill valve, but I don't think I have a choice. I'm looking around for square tanks with lids, but I might just settle for a food-grade 5 gallon bucket from Home Despot. (I wanted a square tank so I could secure it to a wall of the coop.)

For the plumbing, I was thinking of an ordinary shutoff valve, a toilet line and a toilet fill valve. Then some of those Rentacoop nipples that seem well liked. My concern is whether the bucket wall might be too thin to work with the nipples, but I guess I'll find out.

More as it happens...
Hi all -

Just a progress report for anyone interested: I installed two pressure regulators, and successfully got the water pressure down to about 7-8 PSI. Unfortunately, that is still too much, as one of the nipples (the one closest to the inlet) has a very.slow.leak. Frustrating to get so close, but I'm going to give up on that route.

I really wanted to avoid a tank and fill valve, but I don't think I have a choice. I'm looking around for square tanks with lids, but I might just settle for a food-grade 5 gallon bucket from Home Despot. (I wanted a square tank so I could secure it to a wall of the coop.)

For the plumbing, I was thinking of an ordinary shutoff valve, a toilet line and a toilet fill valve. Then some of those Rentacoop nipples that seem well liked. My concern is whether the bucket wall might be too thin to work with the nipples, but I guess I'll find out.

More as it happens...

This is the valve we bought they goes down to practically zero. Granted, the reason I’m reading this post to begin with is because we’re troubleshooting our drinking cups leaking and considering going to nipples or a float system that refills a bucket, which feeds the nipples. So frustrating! We’re on our second set of drinking cups (peck valves, and now gravity cups which also leak because our chickens are pecking the underside/back where a little rubber thing hangs down).


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This is the valve we bought they goes down to practically zero. Granted, the reason I’m reading this post to begin with is because we’re troubleshooting our drinking cups leaking and considering going to nipples or a float system that refills a bucket, which feeds the nipples. So frustrating! We’re on our second set of drinking cups (peck valves, and now gravity cups which also leak because our chickens are pecking the underside/back where a little rubber thing hangs down).
Hi Jamie - that looks like the one I'm using, but mine doesn't go down below about 15 PSI. I guess it's one of those YMMV products. Anyway, the pail is in, and plumbed, and I don't see any leaks. Now I just have to install the nipples (which means I have to order them first).

I think the lesson is that trying to run line pressure -- even significantly reduced line pressure -- to nipples just isn't the best way to go. Now, I just have to figure out how to prevent the chickens from getting on top of the pail...

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