Storing valbazen? Dosage for China geese?


8 Years
Sep 19, 2011
I have wormed my flock now. Problem is I don't have huge numbers, but I DO have a huge bottle of Valbazen!!! Any advise on storage since I have enough now to last me 946 years

Also I found and used this advise for worming chickens. (Thanks Dawg!!!!)
Any advise on dosing for China Geese? Thanks!!!

1. Wazine17 - two ounces in two gallons of water for one day - dump eggs for two weeks
...Ten days later:
2. Valbazen -one half cc/ml for standard size chickens, one quarter cc/ml for smaller chickens including silkies. You can use an oral syringe to squirt it down their throats individually or you can inject it into a small piece of bread and give each chicken a piece of bread....they gobble it up. - dump the eggs for two weeks
3. ...after a couple of days of using each of both wormers....give your chickens plain yogurt or buttermilk(probiotics), canned beef cat food (extra protein) with scrambled eggs all mixed in their feed and give it to them to build up their immune systems, do this about 3 days in a row. Then you'll have healthy, happy chickens lol.
The next time you worm,say in about 6 months or whenever you see can use the Valbazen first, no need to use the Wazine 17 unless you want to. Please PM anytime and I'll be happy to help you with worming. Jim.
You can store it at room temperature, that'll be fine. I dont use wazine anymore. I use valbazen for both dosings or safeguard as a second wormer. Sometimes I'll use zimectrin gold. I dont use yogurt nor catfood anymore neither. I use scrambled or chopped boiled egg mixed in buttermilk.
You can share your valbazen with others like I have, if you wish.
I wish had some folks close to me that needed some actually. I have 2 neighbors with chickens but both have their own medicines. I give my kids Purina Flock Raiser and Corn will be adding the eggs and buttermilk then in a few days. You just give it for a few days three days after worming correct?
I don't know what state you're in, but you could try offering it on your state forum. I just bought a small bottle off a lady in my area who had a huge one. Glad to have found her!!! I did drive to meet her. You may be surprised that people are willing to drive to get it if they know you can sell them a smaller/cheaper quantity.

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