Strange, native ingredients


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
Southern Maine
The thread about acorns and whether or not they are poisonous got me thinking... I have baked with acorn flour that I made myself, and I'm wondering if you guys had any other interesting ingredients and recipes to make with them. So here's mine... what's yours?

Last fall, we moved into this new house with TONS of acorns all over the place. The girls down the street, the elder being my age, and I quickly became friends. Their mother is Indian and they do lots of interesting ethnic things. Our project was acorn bread. We collected all the acorns we could find, smashed them open to get the nuts, and boiled them. That took out the toxins. The water, with the 'toxins' in it, actually has medicinal properties that can soothe bug bites, poison ivy, and rashes (I have a little jar of it left). We then dried the acorn nuts, ground them into flour, and backed bread and muffins. They were delicious.

We spent a summer as camp hosts in the Mt Hood Natl. Forest about 10 years ago.

I used to make cobbler with Oregon Grape and other wild berries. Cooked in a cast iron skillet over a campfire, it was sooo good!
Lets see,
We made persimmon jam today. came out bitter, will try again next time with less lemon and more sugar. I will use in cookies and bread so not to waste it. My PawPaw tree is dropping now and we made some muffins from the pulp, turned out pretty good. next is the chestnut trees just starting to fall. I LOVE chestnuts. Black Walnuts are starting to fall as well. But they are a lot of work. We use the wild black berries,raspberries and Mulberries. I have just started to explore the other wild edibles in the yard like Bull thistles and yellow mustard plants. I never realized until this year how bountiful the yard really is in wild edibles.


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