Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?

Sloppy Joet , FiFi, Fluffy Butts, Zei Zei, and Angola lol
A black Java pullet named, "Snowflake"! I thought snow was white?!

Not according to my 9yo son - who saw spots of white feathers on this little black chick when she came to us at 4wks old. (White feathers on a black background must have made him think this way....)

Now, fully feathered - not a spot of white anywhere on her....yep, "snowflake" needs a new name!
Life is Good! :

A black Java pullet named, "Snowflake"! I thought snow was white?!

Not according to my 9yo son - who saw spots of white feathers on this little black chick when she came to us at 4wks old. (White feathers on a black background must have made him think this way....)

Now, fully feathered - not a spot of white anywhere on her....yep, "snowflake" needs a new name!

About to buy my flock tomorrow... they will be named Christmas Jones, Miss Moneypenny, Octopussy, Honey Rider, Bambi, Thumper, Holly Goodhead and Plenty O'Toole.
We have 9 chicks (different breeds) with the boss called Big Betty (a huge Rhode Island Red).
Her next in command is Psycho. We think she is an Araucana mix and has a big tufty hairdo!
She is so named as she survived a fox attach and became known as Tina Trauma.
However when we got some new chicks in, she went a bit mental with them and we renamed her Psycho Sue to be shortened to Psycho. And she looks it!!
Four more chicks came to stay, rescued from battery farming, and became the Scraglets as they looked so bald and small next to the big healthy chooks we have.
The others are quite simply Rocky, Blackie and Bluebell.
We now have a chick named Wink. She has spots under her eyes, one is a big round one and the other one is just a thin line, so it looks like she is winking.
We also have a Speckled Sussex named Freckles and a Barred Rock named Moonlight. lol
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We got 6 chicks from MyPetChicken back in april. I love the Percy jackson series so I named them all ancient Greek names. so there is Ophira- buff orpington, it means yellow Aphrodite- EE obviously cuz she's my prettiest Athena- australorp, she looks fierce so i liked the name C.C.- EE, is a Greek name but is actually short for Chubby Cheeks Pheobe- Dominique Arienne- golden lakenvelder. 2 of our hatchlings hatched the same time we got our chicks so they got Greek names too. both are RIR mixes Carmel and Zahira, it means sugar. (she looks EXACTLY like her mom who's name is Cinnamon so we named her sugar as in cinnamon sugar)
We had a frizzle cochin bantam rooster named Puff Daddy. He died protecting his ladies from a fox
. Now we have Sarg, the barnyard special, and Don King, the WC Polish roo. My young boys both chose WC Polish chicks when we first got chickens. They named one Chihuahua and the other Ninja Baby

We had a turkey hen whose snood was pecked off by a chicken when it was just a poult. Always called her Snoodless or "Snoodie" after that.

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