Stuff found inside your eggs?

I have seen some strange things in a few of my eggs. I got one a few weeks ago that had a hard, bean sized thing in it. Kind of dark and grayish red? I tossed the egg. I have also gotten a few eggs with a dark spot(meat spot?) in it. These are all from young layers though. I will try to take some photos of any that I get that have strange things in them.
I know it happens but it always grosses me out when i find the meat spots...I try to pick it out or it goes to the kids or hubby...what they don't know won't hurt them haha! I just hope that when I give eggs away none of those eggs have anything gross!
update: it is not the white stringy " Chalazae" (which I previously called albumen) it was clearly grayish or greenish in color and made me think of intestines..sorry. ewwww. And another egg had a small semi-hard bean shaped object in it. Like chicken fat in color.
I am guilty of feeding my husband the meat spots too!

x3! Just use lots of pepper!
I've had a small insect between shell and membrane. Found it peeling a hard boiled egg. Checked the girls for fleas and they looked fine but was kind of alarming at the time. Nothing since then or ever before so not too bad.

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