Stupid people anyway! HELP!

Unless you have especially docile chickens...wouldn't they have put up a fuss? It could take me a fifteen minutes to chase down one of me chickens when she doesn't want to be caught...and that is with two of us. If strangers came in and started catching THAT MANY chickens it would seem like it would be very loud and time consuming...They would obviously need a vehicle parked there and possible crates. Do you have any close neighbors? I am pretty sure I would notice if that was going on at my neighbors house...even if they lived a ways a way.
That's what I'm getting at, If you find someone missing tools, you can double up on the search and work together. OR if it's a young kid who doesn't know the value of what he owns, he can probably be tracked down. Any BMW dealers in the area?
Must have been at night. I can carry my birds around like teddy bears after dark. Thieves are nocturnal, aren't they? Just like most vermin?
I see you're in Ft Worth. I'm in Decatur and will be on the lookout for rare chickens for sale as I look at craigslist/wise county buy-sell-trade/ebay all the time. I'll let you know if I see something fishy!
My guess is that they did this at night. My chickens find thier way into thier coop right before dusk and either nest or roost. Once the sun begins to set they go into a 'trance'. I could pick up my Japanese Phoenix at night without even a peep from him, I could not in a million years catch him during the day.

Also, the Snap-On sidecutters did have a number inscribed in it, which the sheriff pointed out to me while he was fingerprinting it. We also noticed that they appear to be new and the number was freshly scribed. He seemed to know the value of my birds, he said he has a daughter who used to show d'anvers. I am also going to meet with a Snap On sales rep I know this afternoon to see if we can come up with anything.

I will keep you all posted.
I sure hope we get to read a conclusion to this episode with the culprit(s) getting caught.

I doubt that you had a drive by chicken thief. As others have said, it is someone who knows you good enough to know they had the time to do this. Probably someone in your area although if you posted on a forum somewhere about being gone someone could have seen it and come around too. A lot of people get wiped out because they tell on Facebook about going on vacation. As noted, I'd be walking the streets listening and looking for my birds with that Glock in my pocket.

I just got to thinking about the differences between people who live in residential areas and those in the country. Some people don't understand that country folks have two demeanors depending on where they meet someone. If we are out town or in a social setting we will be nice to everyone we meet. We are especially gracious to those who we invite to our homes. But it you just show up in our neighborhood or on our property you will not necessarily get a big wave and smile because we know you don't belong there. I hear gripes from people from town who just like to "ride around," bike or hike in the country about how unfriendly people are in a certain area. City people are used to strangers walking by their homes everyday, but we are not. They can't be stopped from driving or walking on a public road, but it puts us on alert when we know they don't have any business here. A retired Navy officer moved to the property next to mine and couldn't get over how I chewed some guys out for coming on my place one day. I explained that every time some stranger decides he can just show up on your place that is just an education to them as to what you have on your property they can take. Navy guy finally got his understanding after he'd been there a while and a couple of men just showed up in his driveway out of the blue acting weird. All they did was look around, and when he tried to talk to them they wouldn't even reply. Now he narrows his eyes just as much as the rest of us when some stranger comes around. I have narrow eyes AND have my hand in my pocket! I believe you should take the Bible seriously and not even do an act that can even be mistaken for doing something wrong. Coming on a personal property without any proof of honest business is a good way to be mistaken for doing evil. Coming on a country person's property without any proof of honest business is a good way to never leave again.
I agree with calista, it most likely is an acquaintance of you or other family member that is responsible. Has there been any ex boyfriend/girlfriends of your kids or other family member?
Have you had anyone out to the house? There was some chicken thieving near here awhile back when someone had advertised on craigslist and had people out. Good luck with the birds.

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