Stupid people anyway! HELP!

I believe the OP's story is BELIEVABLE because they live in TX where it's legal to shoot trespassers after dark, and perfectly acceptable to come running out with guns in hand when your dogs bark at night. Where the sheriff and your neighbor actually come to help, with their own guns too.
Whereas, trying that in the city would get you in trouble for "brandishing" or worse.

Doesnt have to be dark to shoot trespassers in Tx. If you are on my property and a threat to me or mine I'll shoot you during lunch!!

Then go back to eating!
wow, you're the second person here on BYC that I have heard of recently having their chickens stolen. That's unreal. It would have to be someone who knows the value of certain breeds IMO. Dang, I'm not lucid enough to type right tonite. Fixing it, lol.
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Dang it, I want to know if the chickens got recovered.
Not being offensive just there is a lot of crime in Texas.(In the top 5) All states have crimes, I've had my car broken into in Ohio just to steal a GPS ....for an easy $20, they cause me over $1,200 damage to my car!
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So far the police in Abilene have found some stolen livestock and poultry, but none of the birds recovered have been mine so far. Still holding onto hope of a safe return.

Also, please allow me to get this off my chest. FOR ALL THE SKEPTICS.

1.) I could give a hairy rat's ass whether you believe it or not. Just PM me if YOU get YOUR chickens stolen so I can throw the BS flag too.

2.) Yes I will admit that 'the shootout' was written a little different than as it happened. But I figured that a little creative writing was better than ' Y'al better bleep bleep bleep before I blow your bleeping bleep off', or 'bleep bleep bleep bleeping bleep bleep'. Certainly better than posting what I really said, which would have gotten me BANNED FROM BYC.

3.) I live in the state of TEXAS. Cattle rustling is punishable by DEATH here, We shoot now then ask questions. Up until a couple of years ago I would have had to drag you in the house after shooting you. But now I can just dig a hole and bury you so long as you are on my property.

4.) If someone was in you barn at 2:00 am you would be glad you have a gun and good neighbors. Either that or your an idiot who thinks 'guns kill people' and you support gun control. NEWSFLASH KOJAK, guns don't kill people, STUPID PEOPLE WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE.

5.) Yes there is crime in Texas. THERE IS IN BARROW ALASKA TOO. And guess what, I got $5 says there is crime in YOUR town too.

6.) Nice to know BYC is THE place to get fragged just for trying to give people a heads up about chicken thieves.
Oh, I'm sorry. Do they hold out any hope for your chickens to be found? Do they have any leads or do they think it's the same people who stole yours and yours are just elsewhere? I'm hoping for you.
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The police have said they have another location to investigate, and have promised to keep looking. They are pretty sure that two of the men we caught the other night are connected to the theft of my chickens as well as several other incidents where livestock was stolen. As of yet the men have not given much valuable information.

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