Stupid Questions Thread

I try to answer the unanswered questions, sometimes I think I get it right, Michael Oshay is very good at all those post. And Drumstick Diva was my first welcome. Both doing great work.
I also make a point to visit *unanswered* anytime I can add I know how frustrating it can be to feel ignored and how quickly posts can get lost in the high traffic volume byc has. Even if you don't have the answer it can help to tag one of the experts for that topic so they see it. Even questions that have been asked 1000 times deserve an answer when#1001 comes along.
To me, the post count reflects the time spent contributing to BYC and the higher posts counts show a commitment to this place. There are many ways to contribute, enough different ways that there should be something for everyone to enjoy commenting on, whether that be playing games, answering questions about breeds and emergencies, or just chatting with people we've come to see as friends. It all goes toward a vibrant, active website. I'm always kind of surprised when I see someone that joined several years ago and they have very, very few posts. Do they only drop in when they need something? To me BYC is about give and take, it's about sharing. I commend members with high counts.

As for the unanswered posts (maybe this is a bit self-defensive here), I see @Michael OShay and @Drumstick diva here every day possible greeting new members and offering their assistance to them. They are also very busy on other forums, contributing their experience, knowledge and fun. Maybe it's time others stepped up to the plate and made answering "unanswered" members their mission. I purposely chose welcoming new members as my way of contributing.
my point was that with as many posts as she has now, why worry about a few posts that don't' show up for a few days. lol

I do agree a high post count can indicate a commitment to this site
I'm a bouncer. This title interests me, so I jump on, only to be distracted by that title......and so it goes. Around here it's kind of funny. I have Kendra from 7:30 in the morning until about 1 every day. So by 6 am I'm up, coffee'd, dressed, and I've got the vacuuming done. Yes, I vacuum every morning. Kendra crawls most of the time and since anything that might be on the floors would then on her hands and ground into her knees, it's essential. Then I grab a second cup of coffee, sit here and start poking around. The computer stays on all day, and when I have a minute I pop back in, or touch base on another forum I frequent. It looks like I'm on here all the time, but in reality I spend a lot of time doing therapy, catheterizations, and getting-down-playing- time. It helps to be a fast keyboarder!
I don't worry about the numbers. I was told there'd be no mathhhhhhhh!
Blooie is right, she is a bouncer. Wish I had her energy, if I get on the floor I'll be there a while.
I don't think anyone should apologize for doing something they enjoy as long as it doesn't hurt other people. My post count mattered to me when I was "Out of the Brooder" and wondered what designation came next, lol. For some people inaccuracy is irritating.....why have a post statistic if it's not accurate. Anyways, we all have different reasons for our behaviours and our emotions and we should appreciate that difference. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same.

There are 16 pages of "unanswered" posts. Let's see if we can get them down to 10 pages by the weekend. It doesn't matter if you don't know the answer.....ask yourself "Where would I find the answer to this?" ..... do a search for it and then post your findings. Tell the person what you did to find the answer......any answer might be better than no answer at all. If you couldn't find the answer, tell them that too. Maybe someone will start a "Stumper" thread that challenges the experts for an answer.

Also could you please take this Challenge to your other threads, as this one still has a fairly small following?

Thanks all.

There are 16 pages of "unanswered" posts. Let's see if we can get them down to 10 pages by the weekend. It doesn't matter if you don't know the answer.....ask yourself "Where would I find the answer to this?" ..... do a search for it and then post your findings. Tell the person what you did to find the answer......any answer might be better than no answer at all. If you couldn't find the answer, tell them that too. Maybe someone will start a "Stumper" thread that challenges the experts for an answer.

Also could you please take this Challenge to your other threads, as this one still has a fairly small following?

Thanks all. there a specific setting, or search function to find unanswered posts?

I've got lots to say about all of it, even if it isn't pertinent to the subject. lol
Hello again Bert!

Cursor on the FORUMS tab at the top of the page will drop the menus down. At the very top of the menu, you will find "New Posts / Hot / Unanswered / I've posted"
If you're on a mobile, I'm not sure.
Hello again Bert!

Cursor on the FORUMS tab at the top of the page will drop the menus down. At the very top of the menu, you will find "New Posts / Hot / Unanswered / I've posted"
If you're on a mobile, I'm not sure.
howdy again to you also.


now I've gone and learned something today.

sheesh, I guess it was bound to happen.

thank you.

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