Suggestions for a First Aid Kit - Updated 8-01-2020

How about a small section of things to avoid? (like the iron in the poly-vi-sol, already specified)

Are there some common items that one might think of using, but really shouldn't?

** I know everyone used to avoid pain-killer in the Neosporin, but I think that was debunked??

You knew I was coming!

Q-Tips and Coconut Oil...
Thanks, and added. Where should the coconut oil go?

Edited to add:
Great to see you here!
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How about a small section of things to avoid? (like the iron in the poly-vi-sol, already specified)

Are there some common items that one might think of using, but really shouldn't?

** I know everyone used to avoid pain-killer in the Neosporin, but I think that was debunked??
We did debunk that, lol.

I like the idea of a shouldn't use list and added it.
Tubing in case needed for choking. See Storey's Guide
Collapsible soft-sided laundry basket for transport short distances - this has helped with a prolapsed duck, keeping her from flailing around so much between shelter and bathtub
Scissors with rounded tips to avoid puncturing skin
Magnifying mirror (makes it easier to inspect lower mandible)
Bolt cutters, Leatherman tool - ducks can get hung up on thick wire
Miscellaneous works! I used it on my one and only eggbound duck, worked excellent since it's solid at lower temps, but melts at body temp...

Gotta support!

I think I've read that some people use it to remove lice eggs from feathers.
guess mentioning that some folks use it for cooking as well, wouldn't be appropriate?

I was waiting to hear what it was used for.

sigh, I guess I learned something, even with my best attempts to the contrary........

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