Suggestions in coop door design


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
North Tustin, CA
I am making a 3x3 raised coop with an attached run. I have purchased composite siding for the walls and I am wondering how to go about building an "access door" for me to clean the coop out. My options are:

1. Mount the siding horizontally and cut out the shape of the door and add hinges. (Like in the pic directly below)


2. Mount the siding vertically and add two swinging doors (hinges mounted on the outside corners of the frame)

3. Mount the siding, cut out a hole and add a plywood door. (Not a door made from the siding) this would cause the door to stick out away from the structure.

I am worried that the composite material will not wear well with the movement of the hinges. Does anyone have experience that would tell me otherwise? Of course every side will be primed and painted (inside and out)

Any input would be super helpful. :)
I really only finished my coop today so i'm a newb but we used the composite siding vertically and built a 2 x 4 frame that recessed inside the door frame. So from the front the siding is flush but inside it has a support frame. Next we will probably install a screen door inside that. Our hinges are all on the outside for look , we used the ornate triangular gate hinges and locks so it looks nice. Later we will trim and frame the door and door frame with 1 x 2s for look but now it's straight on the siding.

For working out the siding piece we decided on 2 ft x 4 ft door (cause it fit in the mustang) so we put up the left siding first, then door and actually mounted that to the frame, then screwed in the backside frame and hinges and then removed the screws we used to hold it in place. Lastly we put on the right side so it all lined up. i really preferred having a lot of seams then working out cutting a hole that wasn't a total mess. Seams and support screw holes can be sealed with non drying paintable caulk. Front of the coop has, left, door, right and upper 2 pitch pieces.
I have a post of my coop i finished today here....well sorta finished, missing trim, paint, and ornate stuffs.

If you look closely at the outside of the door you can see the extra holes from mounting it to the actual frame so that i could screw in the inside door frame. The inside door frame is made laying the 2 x 4 square flat against the door.

But i didn't take any of the door frame, if you need it I could do so tomorrow.
This is the smartboard composite stuff from home depot. The hinges on both sides are screwed into the frame so i think that will hold, im more concerned though of the siding wearing on the edges. I think in the long run this will end up more my subsiding. I'll get that wood T stuff and go over it maybe next year or so as this composite starts to break down. With the roof over hangs an caulk I am pretty confident that it's water tight for now. Part of the reason i used real shingles for the roof, i wanted it water tight.

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