Sunday Funny


In the Brooder
May 1, 2022
A little back story, I was gifted 2 silkie roo chicks 8 months ago Jafar and Peter Pan. This spring, I have started to re-establish my flock after a few years. We have the juniors and the babies now. The juniors have since moved into their own coop/run that is attached but unaccessable to the roos. I have kept the roos separated to avoid accidents but we all know what Houdini's chicks can be. Any time we have had a "jail break" Jafar and Peter Pan take their job seriously and delight in protecting their babies. There was even an incident where our 2 coper marans puff balls that were under a week old escaped from a faulty door in the brooder. The boys did an excellent job wrangling them into the juniors pen at the time and I was very lucky to have a crisis averted. When all 3 were together, the boys would rotate from watching the brooder to watching the juniors to watching the door all day. Now that the juniors have moved, and the babies have graduated, they stand in front of the babies new house all day everyday protecting them. Thus brings us to tonight's folly.
As I go to refill the babies water before their bedtime, one of the blue Australorps believe that this is the perfect time to test their wings and fly the coop.
Jafar and Peter Pan are roosting in my perifery and as I try to catch this chick, Jafar hears a distressed chick and decides "not on my watch" and flies at me. Just as fast, Peter Pan says "Not my momma" and handles Jafar. The chick was caught and tucked in bed, and the boys are back to roosting. Never a dull moment with chickens. I hope this gave you a chuckle as much as it did me.

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