Sunflower Chickens

Nope. Just the only 2 talking.
Ok, I have a question; if you have birds that are still laying, please tell us what breed and how well they are laying. Thanks!
All 3 of our barnyard mutts are laying, the minorca is laying and 2 out of 4 cochins are laying. That only leaves 2 that are old enough to lay that aren't. Pretty good odds I think!
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I'm getting 12-16 eggs a day from my 24 girls. I have RIR, Plymouth Rocks, BO, BSL, New Hamp Reds. Fewest I've had in a day was 6-8 a couple days. They've held up pretty well considering the heat. Next year I might get my chickens one of the small kiddie pools to put a few inches of water for them to stand in. They take turns in the rubber hug pan I have out there now. Looks pretty comical.
I'm still getting eggs From my campine, my ee and the two delawares. Of course the ee and one of the dels are on meds for bumblefoot so they get them back for breakfast. The wyandotte and the welsummer haven't laid in six weeks.
Are you asking because you aren't getting many eggs in the heat?

Almost all of my layers are still laying. Just the other day I got 100% eggs (i.e. every layer left one in the nest). Most days its about 70% though, I'll admit. My BSL is not laying because she went broody and just hatched chicks the other day so I'm not counting her in the figures at all. My barnyard mutts are all laying. My orpingtons are the least productive but they're also the oldest. My RIR and BR are still pretty regular. My Marans & Sultan are only 18 weeks and haven't started yet.
Are you asking because you aren't getting many eggs in the heat?

Almost all of my layers are still laying. Just the other day I got 100% eggs (i.e. every layer left one in the nest). Most days its about 70% though, I'll admit. My BSL is not laying because she went broody and just hatched chicks the other day so I'm not counting her in the figures at all. My barnyard mutts are all laying. My orpingtons are the least productive but they're also the oldest. My RIR and BR are still pretty regular. My Marans & Sultan are only 18 weeks and haven't started yet.

Yes and no

My remaining girls have preformed admirably, all through the terrible heat we had; I was so impressed! I'm now getting about 3 a day from 10 hens. I know they are taking a VERY well-deserved break, just curious as to what breeds are preforming well this late in the summer.The girls laying here are my BR/Marans girl, EE (4 yrs old) and occasional eggs from my Ameraucanas and Barnevelder (3 yrs old).
Okay, I haven't gotten around to posting pics of my ducks yet but might later today. Back hurt last night so I'm not out of my jammies yet at almost 10:30 am. But I'm thinking about it. Soo so thankful for a hubby who lets the birdies out before he leaves for work AND puts the ice pack on my back before I get up. I am blessed. BUT I have this one Peking - a big dude in my opinion tho he's only around 5 mo old. He's hitting on my smaller girl duckies and I'm afraid he'll drown or otherwise harm them. Should I get a girl Peking for him? And if I do will he leave the smaller breeds alone or will they have to be kept separated? I have 7 ducks and two are known drakes. What to do? If I need Peking hen/hens do any of you Kansas folks have young ones for sale? I would think around the same age, or does it matter. I wouldn't want to put a Peking cougar in with the poor lad.

Posting on both the KS forums for quick response, I hope.

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