Super Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

Can I be on your Christmas list?
SE, I did the pumpkin butter using your same recipe. Filled the crockpot with cubed pumpkin, 3 cups sugar and 3 tbs. pumpking pies spice. Mine cooked on high for over 11 hours. Ran the hand mixer through it and water bathed it for 15 min. It's great! I just ran with your idea so thanks, all my friends love the taste!
I am so glad I came back to this thread and you posted that!!! Now I will def. be carving the Halloween pumpkin and trying this!! I don't have any pumpkin pie spice but need groceries anyway...and happen to have another box of the little jars too!!!! Thanks MommaHen..will def. be trying the pumpkin butter!!!!
Hmm, This says you shouldnt can pumpkin puree or pumpkin butter

Here is some of the text from that link..

Some of the factors that are critical to the safety of canned pumpkin products are the viscosity (thickness), the acidity and the water activity. Studies conducted at the University of Minnesota in the 1970's indicated that there was too much variation in viscosity among different batches of prepared pumpkin purees to permit calculation of a single processing recommendation that would cover the potential variation among products (Zottola et. al, 1978). Pumpkin and winter squash are also low-acid foods (pH > 4.6) capable of supporting the growth of Clostridium botulinum bacteria which can cause the very serious illness, botulism, under the right storage conditions. If the bacteria are present and survive processing, and the product has a high enough water activity, they can thrive and produce toxin in the product.

More recent research with pumpkin butter has been done at the University of Missouri. Pumpkin butter is mashed or pureed pumpkin that has had large quantities of sugar added to it, but not always enough to inhibit pathogens. Sometimes an ingredient such as vinegar or lemon juice is added to the formulation to increase the acidity (decrease the pH). However, pumpkin butters produced by home canners and small commercial processors in Missouri have had pH values as high as 5.4. In fact, the pH values seemed to be extremely variable between batches made by the same formulation (Holt, 1995).

It is not possible at this point to evaluate a recipe for pumpkin or mashed squash for canning potential by looking at it. At this point, research seems to indicate variability of the products is great, and in several ways that raise safety concerns. It is best to freeze pumpkin butters or mashed squash.”

I am so glad I came back to this thread and you posted that!!! Now I will def. be carving the Halloween pumpkin and trying this!! I don't have any pumpkin pie spice but need groceries anyway...and happen to have another box of the little jars too!!!! Thanks MommaHen..will def. be trying the pumpkin butter!!!!
Halloween pumpkins aren't the right kind for making pies and stuff. The kind you're supposed to use is like buttercream or butternut or something like that. They're smaller and cost more LOL!

I supposed it'd have to be frozen since the canning apparently isn't a good idea, but does anyone know what waterbathing means?

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