Super Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

oh Scrambled you have done it now!!! Why did you show me that thread?!?!?!!?


It's sensory overload on crafty things!!!! It makes me want to start up on the Christmas gifts now!! prolly should lol
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Lol I know, I know
We have so much going on right now with building the chicken coop, and still trying to texture and paint the house, and two kids birthdays coming up, I hardly have any time to do all that stuff, dare think about Christmas! *sigh* hmm which begs the question, I wonder if we started a "Crafters! children's birthday party ideas?" thread if we could get some cool suggestions on favors gifts decorations etc?
Great idea, I bet there would be tons of responses..just keep posting on the thread when it fades to keep it bumped..and add it to your sig. line...make the ttitle catchy...should get great response!!
Well, since the jerky was emntioned so many times on this thread, thought I would say that mine just went in the dehydrator and we had apple butter on biscuits with our breakfast this morning!! I have concord grapes ripening all over my vines outside but the birds are beating me too them..they are much sweeter this year than last, bet they would make some good wine..going to try and save some from the birds!!! Anyway, the jerky smells good!!
Just wanted to let you know I made 2 crockpots full of this and ended up with 19 1/2 pint jars that I canned . Hubby loved it . I am making Christmas gifts. I also made pear preserves and pear honey and apple jelly and grape jelly and 30 jars of canned tomatoes and today I am doing strawberry fig preserves. Yes it has been a busy 2 days !!!!
Just wanted to let you know I made 2 crockpots full of this and ended up with 19 1/2 pint jars that I canned . Hubby loved it . I am making Christmas gifts. I also made pear preserves and pear honey and apple jelly and grape jelly and 30 jars of canned tomatoes and today I am doing strawberry fig preserves. Yes it has been a busy 2 days !!!!

Hi, hope you dont mind if I wake thread up again

Could anyone give me an idea what is in the 'apple pie spice' please.

We have 'mixed spice' in the UK which is made up of cinnamon,coriander, caraway, ginger, fennel, nutmeg, cloves, turmeric. I'm sure this would work in place of it anyways as it tastes sooo good but would be interesting to know what you guys are using.

cheers x

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