~ Survive With The Canadian Wolves ~ Wolf Roleplay

Raven looked at Butterscotch and said with authority and seriousness, "You went too far, Butterscotch. You potentially harmed an innocent pup!"
Butterscotch laid her ears back, ashamed. "I wasn't going to kill it. But Echo needs to be put in her place. Who is she to tell me where to go and what to do?"
Butterscotch went back to Raven, Drifter and Delilah. She picked up Echo's pup, flung it back into its den, and said, "Are we ready to go now?"
(I saw the other post,but I'll reply here.)
The white wolf ignored what had been said so far. Echo lunged onto Butterscotch. "I'll teach you to hurt my pup!"

Thunder yelped and whined. He hurt all over,and he couldn't move.
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Raven growled and leaped ay Echo. "Both of you stop! Can there ever be a second where we are peaceful and not trying to rip each other's throats out?!?! Echo, I know she took one of your pups but I already talked to her about it. Butterscotch, you need to let me do the talking and actions because I'm the beta."
Raven growled and leaped ay Echo. "Both of you stop! Can there ever be a second where we are peaceful and not trying to rip each other's throats out?!?! Echo, I know she took one of your pups but I already talked to her about it. Butterscotch, you need to let me do the talking and actions because I'm the beta."
Butterscotch had ignored Echo. "Raven, Drifter, and the rest of ya'll, I'm telling you for the last time! Let's go back to Lunar. She's probably getting worried."

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