Surviving Minnesota!

Ralphie, are you telling me those big puffy mushrooms all over my yard are edible? i've been kicking them for fun, for years, and I could be eating them? You may have to come over and identify them for me and make sure they are good to eat!
(i'm a huge fraidy cat)

Also, I hope Judy is feeling better soon, how scary!

Welcome to the new peeps, nice to see you here!
Also peeps, my mealworm farm has taken off, they are coming out my ears!  I'm beginning to spend more time on them than my chickens, no good!
I've listed them on craigslist :)

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Cluckies Yes they are edible, if not stinkballs. they are easy to tell apart.

I will be glad to stop over and verify they are puffballs, or pick them. I am really enjoying mushroom hunting. I never thought I would. I can thank Jerry and BC for this. I would have never started doing it without them.

Looks really nasty to the northwest from here.. Hopefully the rain will slip north of us.

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