Surviving Minnesota!

We have clay and Fern roots up here. It's just a blast.

Wheaten has more buff type colors I think. She looks part CLB to me too with her colors and ears. Colors remind me of a partridge pattern.

Holm I am watching idol this season. I feel it's my duty to watch Keith urban as he is a fan of strawberry blondes and I am a fan of t-shirts.
My poor lab pup broke a nail pretty far up tonight. Not sure what she caught it on. She was running about then suddenly, blood on the carpet.
I had to nip off the dangly bit and she yipped and curled into the little ball in my lap and tucked her tail deeper than i have ever seen...
I don't care if I look big and tough I will admit that was almost enough to bring a tear to my eye. I sat and just rocked her for a long time. She is so sad!

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