Surviving Minnesota!

So very sorry for everyones losses :hugs Terrible year for losses.
Seems to be a bad one everywhere, for some reason... friend of mine just lost her favourite... another one of Jace's offspring. I think I will not let her hatch any more; her babies seem to die young.

SO did you lose a bird or a dux? :lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:gig:gig:gig:gig:gig:gig:gig:lau:lau:gig

Sorry about the loss. I lost 2 during this snap, one I expected to and one I did not. I also think I could lose a third one of my Old old hens. She has not laid an egg in years but I like her anyways.
:tongue, and sorry about the birds. I have another bantam looking funny but I brought her inside to hopefully head off another loss.

Anybody got any bloody eggs yet? I remember my first year seeing bloody yolks after cold snaps. Roger also had fertility issues too. Too cold. He regained the next spring but that winter was definitely a strain on egg fertility. There was still ice on the lakes opening
I would check and see if I were actually GETTING any eggs. C'mon, ladies, it's not so bad out there.
Uhhhh oh yeah we had predation going on too. I think they laid two more days after that and then they were done. Predation stress could have knocked them off for me as well.
My poor birds have just had a stressful year over all... three housing changes, half the flock replaced, ducks added, and now winter. At least this is showing me which birds will make good breeders.
That's one bright moon! Should be out shooting yotes...


By the way I didn't brighten this up at all! That's just how bright it is.
Heat wave here this morning, as it is only -4. Forecast is for above zero temps and snow coming in.
Holms, that is one nice present from your Grandpa there. Sorry to read about the loss of the bantam Cornish cock. It is good to be overly protective of those close feather and small bodied bantams. They have real difficulty with extreme cold.
As relates to the roosters which do not tuck their heads at night. They are similar to human males. They are always on the look out for members of the fair sex and do not want to miss any opportunity to spot a good looking and willing partner. Those who tuck their head have low libido.
Good morning we to survived this vortex. I'm still begging old man winter to give back our southern weather, stubborn old coot :old:smackslap the frost out him, & then just slap him cause I can :plbb:bun.Hope y'all stay warm and safe :hugs.

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