Surviving Minnesota!

So I think I saw the culprit of the great '19 chicken murder rampage.

Heading to the store to grab some stuff, I turn off my driveway and see a pretty damn big fox carrying some kind of dead bird in his/her mouth, roughly 500 yards away from my property. Running into the woods, I'd guess to feed his kits, as if it was for him/her why wouldn't they just eat it.

I've got a huge surplus of all kinds of squirrels this year around me, so if they start disappearing, I'll know why.

The fox was big like "wow, who got an irish setter dog around here" big. Saw the tips of the ears and then the tail and it dawned on me.

Time to start planning for a bigger fence.
The nice weather and rain can only last so long. Thankfully it will still be cooling off during the nights
Morning . Emma Rose was born last night 7 something PM . First great grandchild . Only seen pictures . 6 pounds something . Was due August 2 . So early . Wife said we had to stay until she was born . So we can go north later this month . Windows are waiting for pickup in Baxter . All systems are go . Thumb is healing nicely .
Morning . Emma Rose was born last night 7 something PM . First great grandchild . Only seen pictures . 6 pounds something . Was due August 2 . So early . Wife said we had to stay until she was born . So we can go north later this month . Windows are waiting for pickup in Baxter . All systems are go . Thumb is healing nicely .
How exciting! Congratulations.

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