Surviving Minnesota!

Although research on this site says buy from a breeder for docile temperment...we may end up with hatchery for first group of chicks. I am "uber" interested in the first aid kit for poultry as my only experience with chickens is with meaty birds. As far as egg color is long as the yolk is yellow and egg is edible works for us.

How well do Barred Plymouth Rock and Buff Orpingtons get along? These are the top 2 choices from the kids for 4H? Any recommendations on docile rooster?
I have 1 Barred P/Rock she will waddle as fast as she can over to me and drop down,, ive almost tripped over her more then a few times.. so i just scoop her up and tuck her under a arm and walk around with her.. now i realize she does it on purpose. my hens never liked me petting them let alone hold them till they got older and started to lay eggs.. I think they think i am their Rooster..LOL... James and Roostie are going to be busy boys when they finally get outside.. LOL...
I have a dinner party gathering and a 50th Birthday to attend tomorrow so will not be going to Hutch. I wish I could. I would really like to get to one. There's always something going on I guess. In October it always falls on a Halloween event I help out with ...maybe we'll get it figured out sometime.

The older I get and the more time I spend with chickens the more I find out that my efforts can pretty much be flushed down the toilet. So as a result my First Aid kit for chickens probably has dwindled to what it was from my first -somewhat neurotic-first year. The Axe is part of my kit as well. I never like it or enjoy it but it is there. Tonight though I dug out Vet Wrap, Veterycin spray and bacitracin for this guy. He is about 15 lbs shy of Memphis' and Ralphie's Lapper requirements -- but he is my lapper and he takes care of my hens out free ranging in Wolf and Eagle country. He's lost 2 hens in 4 years. Pretty good track record. And he's my big baby. So I'll keep the bacitracin and Veterycin aside for him when he has a sore toe. I'll never diminish somebody trying to take care of a chicken as pet....because I've been there and I totally get it; but I know that the Axe solves ALOT. And as I said after a number of years at this....I'm recognizing Sunday Chicken Dinner back in the old farming days fed a family and probably handled other issues as well in a flock. Either way...I'm for whatever.

But anyways here is Roger--The Big Tootsie. With his Bad Tootsie Lapping. He's too tough anyways for dinner I'm sure.

Roger looks like he is one tough Guy,, he looks like he would be a boxer or wrestler or Bull Rider if he was human.. I bet his hens feels safe.. nice looking Roo....
Ok im done with baby chickens, ive decided they are NOT for me. when i get more chickens they will be atleast 4 wks old, I had another one die again overnight. the 1st batch i bought 4 and 1 died, ok no issue really,, but this batch i got 8 and 5 have died now. I dont understand what im doing wrong, there temp is good, they have a chicken heating pad i got from TSC, fresh water with ACV 4 times a day, Chick start food, Chick gravel, fruits and veggies and clean bedding everyday, they have their own bedroom,,LOL,, , So no more baby chicks.. I will leave the chick raising to others,,
Ok im done with baby chickens, ive decided they are NOT for me. when i get more chickens they will be atleast 4 wks old, I had another one die again overnight. the 1st batch i bought 4 and 1 died, ok no issue really,, but this batch i got 8 and 5 have died now. I dont understand what im doing wrong, there temp is good, they have a chicken heating pad i got from TSC, fresh water with ACV 4 times a day, Chick start food, Chick gravel, fruits and veggies and clean bedding everyday, they have their own bedroom,,LOL,, , So no more baby chicks.. I will leave the chick raising to others,, 
hmmm, when you mentioned the temp on the new chicks a few weeks ago, I thought it was a little high, but I don't think that could hurt them. But... I would not give fruits and veggies until they are at least 4 weeks old, they really only need chick starter. (But that iust just my opinion) So very sorry for the losses of your babies :(
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Then again, we should have the professionals weigh in... Jerry, ralphie, holm?

Could also be that they had a bug when you got them... :(

you got them from ramsey farm and garden? I would call them and see if they have had other losses reported...
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Ok im done with baby chickens, ive decided they are NOT for me. when i get more chickens they will be atleast 4 wks old, I had another one die again overnight. the 1st batch i bought 4 and 1 died, ok no issue really,, but this batch i got 8 and 5 have died now. I dont understand what im doing wrong, there temp is good, they have a chicken heating pad i got from TSC, fresh water with ACV 4 times a day, Chick start food, Chick gravel, fruits and veggies and clean bedding everyday, they have their own bedroom,,LOL,, , So no more baby chicks.. I will leave the chick raising to others,,

I can relate to this. Hatching and breed lines and all that stuff - not for me at this time in my life. Probably never. And sick chicks. . . . once I make it through SC I am not going to do that either. Thanks Ralphie, but you and I are just gonna have to toughen up. Me - I can do that. You - ahhhh Ralphie, you are such a softy . . . . tender heart! Its different if they are older, laying and get sick. Then I will do anything. Now just watch me eat these words. LOL

Thats alot of chicks to loose out of eight. I would be wondering, calling, questioning the hatchery.

Well, sleep tight.
So sorry Coffee on losses. I'm with cluckies on no other food other than their chick food. That could be it....or I wonder sometimes about temps. There is such a thing as them being too Warm as well....? You were raising the lamp and getting them cooler as they got older right? When I did ACV I did a capful in that quart waterer....hmmm. what else....? Did they have pasty butt? Were you checking for that? If they're stressed about something ...temps, illness...pasty but will show up. IDK... Shoot. I'm not sure if I'm excited for chicks now...LOL. crap. Ha!

I'm getting the thoughts again about no chickens. I'm at 7 birds. The lowest I've ever been. 3 will be culled this spring. Leaving 4. IDK....It would be nice to not clean out a crappy coop for once, or get up at the crack of dawn to let out birds. Or....etc., etc. Depopulating has been running through my head. But I think it's my coop thawing out that has me thinking this way. LOL. That's the nice thing about temps under 32.

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