Surviving Minnesota!

Love his coloring. Very handsome.

Thank you Ivie. He can be tough if he wants to be. The color I think helps with the preds too. I love that he's eye candy for me. Red with the green tail. Classic barnyard. But I think the aerial preds don't quite know what to think of him. He's very unnatural to them. The size is helpful too. The two main sickle tail feathers V'ed out and waving in the wind. He looks a fright I think. Everything about his design/coloring is a warning--it gives pause. I love that about him. Love those roos.

More thoughts with Bogtown chick. Theory: Roosters are sharp colored and beautiful for attracting hens, but can it also be for predator protection? Like a dart frog or a Monarch butterfly. Beautiful but gives warning...?
Coffee, I am confused as to why they died. I would not feed any fruit or treats to a bird under 4-6 weeks either.

What temp did you have? I wonder if the chlorinated water has anything to do with it. Killing the good bacteria in their bellies.

BC The link is broken.. Roger looks spoiled.
Oh shoot. I don't know how else to do that link thing. I'll look at it again. He's sort of spoiled. He's been ignored quite a bit during Basketball season.

Chlorinated water may not be a good thing. I know when I had fish in School at Duluth I had to do special drops to get the water chemically correct...I'm thinking that might be something there Ralphie.
Coffee...I take it you're not out at the farm yet...?
Oh shoot. I don't know how else to do that link thing. I'll look at it again. He's sort of spoiled. He's been ignored quite a bit during Basketball season.

Chlorinated water may not be a good thing. I know when I had fish in School at Duluth I had to do special drops to get the water chemically correct...I'm thinking that might be something there Ralphie.
Coffee...I take it you're not out at the farm yet...?

Poor Roger..

I was just trying to think what is different between Coffee and what I am doing, other than fruit and chlorinated water I could not think of anything.

I feel bad when the chicks die, but some will die. One that is crippled. Splay legged has even a harder chance of making it.

I am actually impressed Ivie managed to keep SC alive at all. I know the smart thing is to just finish them off when they hatch and use them for weasel bait. I just have a hard time doing that. However, by the end of hatching season I have much less trouble doing that. It is almost harder to try and keep a failing chick alive than it is to just knock it in the head when you see it has a problem.
That's a good idea Cluckies. I didn't do that myself...but turned out okay...luckily. Another thing I did with kids involved and such as I had everybody wash their hands before handling chicks and after, of course. I was quite stringent about it. I didn't want to buy more birds. I washed before and after as well. Honestly I think it's a key thing we did there.
That's a good idea Cluckies. I didn't do that myself...but turned out okay...luckily. Another thing I did with kids involved and such as I had everybody wash their hands before handling chicks and after, of course. I was quite stringent about it. I didn't want to buy more birds. I washed before and after as well. Honestly I think it's a key thing we did there.

I never thought of that but I am so perfect and good, I doubt a harmful bacteria could even live on my body anywhere including my hands...
I put save a chick electrolytes in there water as well as i remember...

I use electrolytes at the first sign of pasty butt. I do use probiotics all the time though. I give them grit, but I only feed them starter....Except for lucky who might get a meal worm now and then.

Coffee are their little crops full or empty?
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Good Morning!!

I have made an amazingly adult decision for me. I am not going to Hutch! The weather is too nice and I need to get some work done around here.

With Judy off in that faraway land called Wisconsin ( she is at a witches and warlock reunion) I had the perfect chance to screw off. I am not going to do it. I am going to stay home and work. Also I am a little afraid with her being with her family, if they found out I was not home they would make voodoo dolls and I would have sharp pains over my entire body.

Andy and his friends are moving today. They are headed to the shed to live. I always get a little nervous when I send them outside. They are 3-4 weeks old and mainly feathered out, they should be fine.

Before she left Judy banned me from Sam's club and Amazon again. I snuck into Amazon and bought another thermometer last night just because. She hates that I have 3-4 thermometers coming out of each incubator and one or two in each brooder.

Thermometers remind me, Coffee do your chicks have a way to get away from the heat source? Just wondering if they could be too hot

It Is coffee time here so get posting!

Editted to add: Did you guys know Blooie is in the hospital?
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