Surviving Minnesota!

Ok, First off, I have to confess I have started on the Mike's. I might need a lot tonight. My day was rough.

I had trouble getting my taxes to E-File yesterday ( I use turbotax). It never did file, we ended up sending them in late today. What's a little more on the check to them?

When I woke and it was raining I rearranged my day. I was going to, got to Elk River and fed-ex my turkey blood to the lab in Willmar. I had to get my Mom to her doctor in St Cloud at 1:20pm. I decided to just drive the blood to Willmar checking some implement dealers and to see what good finds where setting alongside the road with for sales sign on them. I found a lot of cool stuff, I stopped to look at. Mom was not impressed with anything I looked at.

We got the blood to the lab, they were waiting for it. As soon as I walked in the door they asked if that was the turkey blood. There is nothing worng that I know of with the turkeys, I think they just were that bored at the lab.

We left the lab and drove to St Cloud. Mom did not want to stop anymore. She whined about every little thing I stopped to look at. We then went to Fleetfarm. Again she complained. I got some things I needed there.

We left FleetFarm at 12:45. I knew her Dr was somewhere near Whitney Field. ( old Airport). I got to Whitney Field and the following conversation happened:

Me: Where is your Dr.
Mom: I don't know.

Me: What? I thought you came here a lot?
Mom: I do.

Me: well, how can you not know where it is?
Mom: I never come in from this direction, so I have no idea where it is?

Me: Is it in this area?
Mom: I have no idea.

Me: Huh?
Mom: I told you I do not know where it is!

Me: that's ok, What is the clinics name?
Mom: St Cloud something

Me: that's it?
Mom: Yea, I don't remember anymore.

Me: that's ok. What's his name?
Mom: I don't know

Me: What? How do you not know his name?
Mom: It's some new young guy.

Me: ok, what's the old Doctors name?
Mom: I don't recall, It was Doctor something or other.

Me: You don't know his name either?
Mom: I only saw him a couple times.

We then had to go from Whitney Park all the way to Hwy 10 and 23 so she could find her way back. Even then she got lost. Finally she says, "I think that is the place."

She finally got there!....

After the Dr we drove home, it was uneventful, I was afraid we would have had to go to Minneapolis to find our way home,...(sarcasm intended)...

When I got home I changed clothes and went to do afternoon chores. As soon as I got to death row, I knew I had a problem. I sold a Slate Blue Turkey yesterday and a hen. The lady vet said it was fine to sell, just keep normal sales records. I sold a hen to the same guy. I told Judy I was keeping the last Blue alive incase I needed it for breeding. (These were the birds Judy sentenced to death for beating on JJ.) The Blue is lying dead looking right up against the fence and the cage door. There is a post between them with about a 4 inch opening. I pulled it out, it was stiff, but as soon as I pulled him out he blinked his eyes and moved a tad. He was cold to the touch. I took him into the brooder shed and put him in an empty brooder and turned the light on. I did a few things and checked back on him, He was dead. So much for my back up breeding plan. Does anyone know why when I get down to one rooster or tom it commits suicide? Do they do this to spite me?

I took the Tom outside and started the bobcat to go hook up to the post hole digger. I have a 20 inch augur for it so it works great to bury dead birds. I am just hooking it up and I think."hmmm, I better not bury this incase the test is bad" I had about a 5 minute argument with myself before going in and calling the Lady Vet. She told me I could not bury it because if they need a tissue sample it would be decomposed. I had to double bag the dead turkey and put him in the freezer. SO I have a turkey in Freezer camp awaiting embalming and burial.

Judy came home just when I was carrying the double bagged dead turkey into the house. That conversation did not go well either..... When I came up from the basement ( where the freezers are) I thought I would point at a shiny object so she would not hound me over the dead bird in the freezer.

Now for the one piece of good news of the day! I got my first PC chick, It is a cute little thing. But not overly bright. I used that as the shiny object. ( you young guys remember the shiny object lesson for when you get married, it can get you out of all kinds of trouble).....

I said " Judy. look in that hatcher, we got our first PC.". The PC chick is sitting in the middle of the incubator under the fan, on top of the eggs that have not hatched. I told Judy. " look at that stupid thing he is going to get his head cut off in the fan"...

Just then the chick looks at us and stands up. His head is in the fan and he is hanging there. I open the lid and he comes up with the lid! I said "oh Fudge" 4 times.

I grabbed the chick and pulled him out expecting a dead chick! He was still alive. I held him called him cute and stupid, then moved him into a brooder, while I await another PC! My flock is now 4. 3 normal ones and one with a brain injury..

That is/was my day!
A pair of Maiden Rocks? You might find that very difficult! I just have one but I'm trying to get more, she is incubating some now.

5th place out of how many?

What was your last civics grade?

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Ralphie, you have me cracking up here!!
Nathan is going to have some xbreds, but they will not be Maiden Rocks. It would take divine intervention to recreate them at this point I think? Jerry, are you up for a challenge?

Ralphie, did the Tom turkey hang himself in the fence?
Ralph that really sucks. How many toms are left on death row? Just the one? What the heck happened? Did the other kill him?
Glad u got a PC! To bad its stupid... Lol hopefully it doesnt try to kill itself!
EJB makes a good point. Did Mr. Turkey hang himself? Even if he wasnt stuck when u found him he could have gotten stuck and started hanging himself and got out but had lack of oxygen to the brain for to long which usually proves fatal?

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