SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a mixed flock of mixed breeds and am going to start incubating soon. Right now my girls sit their own with mixed success. I have a group of Swedish Blue x Cayuga. One of them has beautiful feathering and foot markings. Is it possible to specifically breed these markings? The two/three end flight feathers are white while the rest are emerald green and purple and green on the rest of the body and the feet are black and orange and up the bottom of both legs. The bill is black/green on top and black/green and orange on bottom.

It's hard to say for sure. You have flocks of mixed parentage who are re-mixing. The possibilities I must say would be endless in this regard. Remember any of the dormant gene in the grand parents as well as the parents can easily pop up in the grand children. I believe the joy of keeping mixed flock is in the countless outcome that one is likely to get.
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Do only drakes have yellow feet?

No, I have a female with yellow feet. Well, her feet are striped, but more yellow, I'd say. My theory on my 4 is the more white they have on their body, the more yellow there is on their feet. I have 4 different variations of black and white, and their feet match. I'd like to know about others though.



Me and my husband added 4 new ducks to our flock about 6 weeks ago. 2 Perkins, a mallard and what was supposed to be a khaki Campbell but we have most definitely figured out that's not the case. I am thinking its a male, but still not 100%. We are trying to figure out what breed he might be. I was thinking he may be a blue swede or possibly a cross of one. Any ideas out there?

Me and my husband added 4 new ducks to our flock about 6 weeks ago. 2 Perkins, a mallard and what was supposed to be a khaki Campbell but we have most definitely figured out that's not the case. I am thinking its a male, but still not 100%. We are trying to figure out what breed he might be. I was thinking he may be a blue swede or possibly a cross of one. Any ideas out there?
Looks like blue Swedish to me... just my opinion, I'm no expert though...



Me and my husband added 4 new ducks to our flock about 6 weeks ago. 2 Perkins, a mallard and what was supposed to be a khaki Campbell but we have most definitely figured out that's not the case. I am thinking its a male, but still not 100%. We are trying to figure out what breed he might be. I was thinking he may be a blue swede or possibly a cross of one. Any ideas out there?

Yes blue Swedish .. Congradulations .. :goodpost:

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