Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Well - Darth 'Bator (our black Silkie) has her first SFH chick - a blue from my splash girl, Elinor. I didn't want to let the eggs get cold so I didn't check for any more pips. Now I just have to
and wait!

I put plastic eggs in to make everyone feel like they have plenty of eggs to hatch. I am going to make sure my first broody keeps the real eggs though so she can be done here soon. I gave her the SFH eggs on the 15th.

The other little hen in the Silkie Sled keeps going in and out of the coop. Makes me wonder if she is thinking of trying her hand at it.
hm... crowing. well, my babies haven't yet, but they're only a few weeks old, but the other youngsters i have outside are 3-4 months old and were already crowing when i got them earlier this month. sorry that probably doesn't answer your question.

i've got cochin babies i've heard trying to crow at a week old before. those little guys are hilarious.

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