Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Does any one know if roosters of this landrace get along together ok?
I currently have 3 roosters in with 14 hens. They do challenge each other occasionally, but my Astolf definitely rules the flock. Each rooster knows his place and his duties. It is actually amazing to watch how they cooperate to keep the flock safe. My youngest roo is the sentry - out on the edges of the flock always on the watch for intruders. I have raised young roosters up within the flock and had no problems as long as I re-home the excess ones before they get old enough to harass the hens too much.
Ky - A couple of questions:
How much space do these guys have on range area?
How much space do they have in the chicken housing?
Do the dynamics change for them during the winter when they don't range as far as during summer?
They have about a 5' x 14' coop, and their range area is within a 200' perimeter fence that I can move around if they eat it down too far, which has not been a problem this summer so far. They still go out and range during the winter, so not much changes unless I leave them locked in on the days that the weather is really nasty, but that doesn't happen very often.
Hello everyone!
Just joined BYC today. I´ve been reading this thread for a while, and have learned so much! Thank you to all of you who have posted such useful Information. My first Swedish flower hens hatched the end of March, and they are definetely my favorite breed so far. Twelve hatched, and they all look completely different from one another- I just love the variety. They are also the tamest chickens I´ve had so far, and so curious! Here are some pics (sorry, some of my Brahma got in a couple of shots):
You have a beautiful flock! This pullet looks like chocolate. Very pretty!

Hatch Day! First peek at the SFH chicks hatched this morning under my broody cuckoo maran. I've seen three so far: a dark one, a yellow one, and a yellow & brown one.

Does any one know if roosters of this landrace get along together ok?
Mine do as long as they are in a free range setting. I wouldn't want to keep them in a small coop or run together if there are girls to fight over.
That said, they tend to do fine in a bachelor coop where there are no girls.
I just caught up with two months' worth of posts. Whew! Look what I "hatched:"

I had a little boy back in May. :)

But on to the SFH! I hatched a batch in late March that included one pullet with mottled legs. Her coloring is also rather interesting. She is the blue one toward the left of this picture:

As the yellow of her legs has gotten brighter, the blotches of darker scales are even more obvious. I plan to sell the other 6 pullets from that hatch as part of trios as I've got three young cockerels to go with them, but I want to keep her just to see how she finishes out. If you know of anyone in the Richmond area who might be interested, I have also got two older pullets (one blue mille fleur each with and without a crest) that were hatched in February.
I just caught up with two months' worth of posts. Whew! Look what I "hatched:"

I had a little boy back in May. :)

But on to the SFH! I hatched a batch in late March that included one pullet with mottled legs. Her coloring is also rather interesting. She is the blue one toward the left of this picture:

As the yellow of her legs has gotten brighter, the blotches of darker scales are even more obvious. I plan to sell the other 6 pullets from that hatch as part of trios as I've got three young cockerels to go with them, but I want to keep her just to see how she finishes out. If you know of anyone in the Richmond area who might be interested, I have also got two older pullets (one blue mille fleur each with and without a crest) that were hatched in February.
Well your 9 month broody looks like a great hatch ;> & nice sfh too.

Keep us posted on the progress, I'm curious how the blues are turning out for other ppl since mine was the skittish shy didn't fit in w/ the flock & didn't make it type.

Meanwhile, I need to do some updated pic. of ones I have from local, they are growing and feathering w/ a ton of white & no signs of crests so far.

None of the 4 turkey size eggs from Flo went beyond about 2 wks. She is crested, & 1 of the roos w/ her is crested so we know what that implies. I will need to park her w/ the uncested roo when her comb reddens up again, right now I think the 90 degree weather is putting most of my hens into molt :(
I just caught up with two months' worth of posts. Whew! Look what I "hatched:" I had a little boy back in May. :) But on to the SFH! I hatched a batch in late March that included one pullet with mottled legs. Her coloring is also rather interesting. She is the blue one toward the left of this picture: As the yellow of her legs has gotten brighter, the blotches of darker scales are even more obvious. I plan to sell the other 6 pullets from that hatch as part of trios as I've got three young cockerels to go with them, but I want to keep her just to see how she finishes out. If you know of anyone in the Richmond area who might be interested, I have also got two older pullets (one blue mille fleur each with and without a crest) that were hatched in February.
Congrats on your cute little boy, Old Church! He's a keeper. I bet you can't wait to see how he "grows out."

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