Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Got 2 new SFH yesterday and Im so excited! They are 12 weeks old and hopefully both pullets. I cant wait to see how their colors come in!

bigger comb but its pale and has no wattles at all.
I was out of town for a few weeks and one of my "pullets" turned into a cockerel! So disappointed, I thought I would be safe buying at 12 weeks but I guess crested are sneaky. Anyone want him? He is very handsome.
Hey Karen! Don't know when Leigh will be able to see these but I wanted to show you the flock those eggs came from...Leigh wanted pictures.

It was really great seeing you two again, and meeting Hapless Runner!
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Hello, I have3 handsome SFH Roosters 5 months old. I am unable to keep them in fear of my neighbors complaining I am in a non farm animal zone. I am going to keep the middle one in hopes 1 wont be so bad. The other one is white and red with a bit of blue and a black & red with white flowering absolutely gorgeous. I am in CA would anyone be interested in adopting them or know of someone looking for good breeding stock. They are hand raised friendly and organic fed. Sorry this is the only pic I have on my laptop I can post some more if interested.
if you got them from Greenfire they may have thrown in a male cream legbar that's what it looks like to me a bit.
I had 7 and 4 were roosters. The comes on the roos start to turn pink and a started growing the girls stayed small and pale almost white for quite a while. So when you see a difference like that you can guarantee the pink taller comb is a roo.. The feather colors had nothing to do with it the girls are just as vibrant. I hope that helps a bit. OOPS MEANT TO REPLY TO SOMEONE :(
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Hi there, I was hoping someone could I.D. the breed of this 2 month chick. It was sold to me as a SFH. Could this be true? I haven't seen another pic of SFHs looking like this black and white one before.

Thank you!
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if you got them from Greenfire they may have thrown in a male cream legbar that's what it looks like to me.
Hi there, I was hoping someone could I.D. the breed of this 2 month chick. It was sold to me as a SFH. Could this be true? I haven't seen another pic of SFHs looking like this black and white one before.

Thank you!

Cream Legbar rooster
Does anyone have any other tips for sexing SFHs?
I had 7 and 4 were roosters. The combs on the roos start to turn pink and a started growing the girls stayed small and pale almost white for quite a while. So when you see a difference like that you can guarantee the pink taller comb is a roo.. The feather colors had nothing to do with it the girls are just as vibrant. I hope that helps a bit.
Hi everyone- I've been lurking, trying to read back through about 3 months of posts. I have 3 SFH pullets (from straight run) who are almost 16 weeks old. Two of the three's combs are starting to develop and turn pink/red.

I have some BLRW too but I have decided to stick with the SFH

Here are a few pictures of my girls

^ Stripe-- who apparently doesn't like our miniature dachshunds

^ Our friendly Partridge-- she does like our dogs and loves to watch what we are doing. Where we are, she is close by, watching

^ Our camera shy Penguin. This is the best picture I could get of her. She is usually preening or digging for grubs

Don't mind the names-- DH named Strip and Penguin. I started calling Partridge that because she had partridge feathers as a chick. She is so curious!
I have a black SFH roo named Penguin!

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