Swedish Flower Hen Thread

The fourth one I think. Pretty shure I set them Monday about 11 pm
I would give it another couple of days before you give up hope. I know I can tell on mine by day 4 or 5, but they are not shipped. I wouldn't give up hope until at least day 7. Yours may take an extra day or so to recover from shipping. I hope you find more with life in them.
6 out of 20 would be a pretty good result for me. I haven't had very good luck with incubating the last couple times! I sure hope you have much better luck!
I took my first set out of lockdown today after day 23, cracked to see as I could see nothing when candled, and had nothing.

But I am keeping faith and hope my others will produce something! I am Mr Paranoid now, have 4 different thermometers in the cabinet, one records the max temp too, so i can see if there has been a problem and the max temp is spot on....
Hen or Roo?

Hen, well, pullet... I was offering her up to trade for a "darker" pullet. (see a few pages back) I have a red and white male already and a mostly red female... just want my flock to be more colorful than that. It is my attraction to the breed in the first place. I always wanted to hatch mutts just to see what colors come out, but couldn't have mutts around..... so SFHs fill that urge while still being purebred! I LOVE IT!!
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The ones I had that looked like that turned out to be black patterned red mille fleur cockerals.

Were yours that were that color crested? It's hard to tell in the pic, but that's a crested cockeral.

Do you have any pics of them finished out?

I have no new pics yet, we're getting much needed rain.
Hi everyone,

Just doing a fly by, here are my SFH at 12 weeks old.
I have nine SFH looks like five hens and four roosters, all crested, except one hen.
I really enjoy these chickens they really enjoy being around people.
I will have some better pictures in a few days.


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