Swimming Turkey

Hahaha!!!! I love it thanks for sharing!
Mostly ducks and a few geese. With this year's Easter duck order, we included two tuffted roman geese and a few turkeys. As well we have a wild Canadian male goose that has stayed with this flock since they were babies. (Unbelievable story still going on... his female mate keeps leaving but he will not go with her... he insists on staying with this flock. Initially they would leave every evening and return in the morning but after this flock of babies started sleeping outside in their pen, Godfrey (the godfather goose we call him) would sleep by their pen at night. The female Canadian goose would honk and honk every night and leave without him. Actually she just returned the other day after being gone for more than a month. He still won't go with her in the evenings. And we haven't lost any of the ducks or geese from this flock to predators.

Initially the turkeys stayed on the bank when the others would swim. They did go in when they were babies but quickly came out and stayed out. Then one day, Father's day actually, Albert just went out into the pond and started swimming around all by himself. Sometimes he swims by himself and sometimes when this flock goes in. At first we were scared he might sink but we never had any problems. He totally taught himself, tried by himself and learned by himself. All this video is from his first time swimming. I didn't believe my son at first and couldn't grab the camera quick enough. Actually some of the filming is out of our upstairs window... I wasn't sure how long he was going to stay in the pond...

As far as the peafowl... we had a female peacock show up for about two weeks. She was best friends with Albert the turkey. They hung out together on the porch and with this flock around the pond. She never showed any interest in the pond other than drinking. They looked kinda cool together... she was so elegant and he was his handsome turkey self!

I will have to add some pictures... I'm sure I have some of them.
That is wonderful ty so much for sharing Hope he is around for a looonng time!! hmmm think this will change the saying
everyone says about turkeys drowning themselves in rain? LOL thanks again and the music was great !! this is our first year with turkeys
Nice video, liked it a lot. Couldn't stop noticing that your turkey wings have a similar shape to those of goose when they have a problem called "Angel wing". Is it possible that this problem can also affect turkeys?
I'm not sure about the Angel wing... I don't think his wings are not turned out like this goose. Also this is our first turkey that made it to this age so I'm not sure if he has something wrong? I know he could not fly though...
I love this video & split my gut laughing! Had to send a link to family because it is so funny.
I tried to hatch some turkey eggs this summer and only one survived to 2 months old. 4 bobwhites that made it that age are bonded to it (dont know its sex yet) & they will all wade in water that i let pond up in the pen because it has been so hot.
Are his feathers soaked when he gets out?
I too loved it with Lady gaga. Need to send this link to her fansite!
Thank you so much for sharing this !!!! :)

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