Switching adult chickens feed


In the Brooder
May 1, 2024
I recently got my flock of 8 chickens and one I just learned is crossed beak (didn’t know that what it was called just had to look it up). Six of the chickens are about 1 year and a half old and the other two are younger at 9 months. I got told by the owner they would feed either Dumpe or Producer pride 16% layer. They told me they would just pick up which ever was cheaper or available. I got these chickens about a week ago and picked up some feed along with a bag of oyster shell which I was told the owner never put out. I am getting 3 to 4 eggs a day which is enough for me but I want to take really good care of these chickens so I’m trying to either see if there’s a better food I should start feeding or if I should keep feeding what I have been.
Oyster shell grit is fine to put out! I do it all the time. 16% is the average protien for laying hens so you could switch but you dont have to. I feed 16% in the summer and 20% in the winter😁
Oyster shell grit is fine to put out! I do it all the time. 16% is the average protien for laying hens so you could switch but you dont have to. I feed 16% in the summer and 20% in the winter😁
Okay is there a better brand to feed i guess what I’m feeding now is a crumble? And just looks so ground down I just want to do right by the chickens make them healthy and keep them alive as long as possible
I definitely would switch to a higher protein layer feed.
Okay any brands you recommend to switch? I just look at the dumor or producer pride and it just looks ground down to powder and I feel like there is no way they are getting what they need. I have read that you have to switch gradually to a different food so not to upset there system
We feed ours Kalmbach's crumbles which is a much more expensive feed and it's 16% protein. I buy their Flockmaker (20%) too and mix it, plus put out the oyster shell.

We buy the crumbles as these are silkies and don't eat the pellets well. Your brand probably comes in both as does ours.
Okay is there a better brand to feed i guess what I’m feeding now is a crumble? And just looks so ground down I just want to do right by the chickens make them healthy and keep them alive as long as possible
I think that's awesome of you! Honestly I prefer crumble because pellets are harder for them to digest. You could buy organic! We have different brands here in Alaska so I'm not quite sure on what you have there. But organic is a good option!
I think that's awesome of you! Honestly I prefer crumble because pellets are harder for them to digest. You could buy organic! We have different brands here in Alaska so I'm not quite sure on what you have there. But organic is a good option!
Thank you I’m going to a newly opened locally owned feed store tomorrow to see what they have other then that I just have tractor supply switching up food at this age will that effect them in anyways if I do it gradually?
Thank you I’m going to a newly opened locally owned feed store tomorrow to see what they have other then that I just have tractor supply switching up food at this age will that effect them in anyways if I do it gradually?
I wouldn't toss the food you have as it's decent chicken food, but when it gets down to the bottom of the bag, I'd start mixing it over a few days. I doubt they'd have an issue switching cold turkey, but it doesn't hurt to just ease them into it to be on the safe side.
Okay any brands you recommend to switch? I just look at the dumor or producer pride and it just looks ground down to powder and I feel like there is no way they are getting what they need. I have read that you have to switch gradually to a different food so not to upset there system
It depends on what you have. I like country companion hi pro layer, or nutrena feeds. I don't care for dumor or producers pride, it doesn't smell good and my hens don't like it either.

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