Jul 13, 2022
Hi there!
I always get the best help from the byc community, so I wanted to ask for y’all’s help here.
I have a batch of 9 chicks around 5-6 weeks of age and one in particular just started showing swollen earlobes.
The weather here is really nice but the oak pollen came upon us suddenly so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with her condition.
I added VetRx drops in everyone’s water for respiratory health and rubbed some on her ear lobes, but if anyone has other suggestions I’m open.
Also if a vet trip is needed please let me know. I’m not sure when it’s necessary to take her.


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Any lice or mites?

Look in her ears for infection - the inside of the ear should be clean and have nothing that looks like dirt or pus.
Any lesions or yellow/white pasty material inside the beak?
Any bad odors about the head/face or on the breath?

Have you ever had respiratory illness in your flock before?

VetRx is just a remedy, it won't hurt her, but it's likely not going to treat infection.

If vet care is an option, that's always best.
Hard to tell what's going on with her. Looks like possible infection of the ears which may require an antibiotic to clear it up.

What's going on there with the wattle, just a scrape or is that something like as lesion, can you tell?

Any lice or mites?

Look in her ears for infection - the inside of the ear should be clean and have nothing that looks like dirt or pus.
Any lesions or yellow/white pasty material inside the beak?
Any bad odors about the head/face or on the breath?

Have you ever had respiratory illness in your flock before?

VetRx is just a remedy, it won't hurt her, but it's likely not going to treat infection.

If vet care is an option, that's always best.
Hard to tell what's going on with her. Looks like possible infection of the ears which may require an antibiotic to clear it up.

What's going on there with the wattle, just a scrape or is that something like as lesion, can you tell?

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Thank you so much! I’ll check her out for lice and mites and look in her ear’s tomorrow.
I haven’t had any issues with respiratory issues with my flock.
Also, I think she must have got pecked at or she scratched herself. Not a lesion. Just noticed that earlier today and it’s just a scrape.
I’ll let you know tomorrow when I give her a little inspection lol.
Thank you again!
Sounds good, keep me posted:)
Good morning
I checked up on Tina this morning
No lice or mites, very clean. Her ears were clear and nothing coming out of them.
And her earlobes seem to look a little better. Maybe just some seasonal allergies considering the pollen here is pretty bad and this is their fist week out in the coop.
She has lots of energy and is acting normal.
I’ll continue to keep a watch.
I really appreciate your help!


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Swelling is going down quickly. I'd wonder if maybe she was stung by something or ate a bug that caused a reaction.

Monitor her close, but if the swelling disappears and she's doing well, then I'd call it good.

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