Swollen leg, not bumble foot

Spring Fleet Chickens

In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2019
I have a year old Cayuga duck that started limping a few weeks back. I checked her foot over and there are no cuts nor swelling. It seems to be in her leg. Ankle and up. It was 2x the size it should be. I did isolate her for several weeks in a small brooder pen to see if she would get better. It didn't seem like an infection and she could still move/flex her leg. No popping or cracking that I noticed. However she could not put any weight on it. After about 2 weeks of isolation she was starting to loose weight and didn't want her feed anymore. I moved her back out with the others and she perked back up (yes, I know she was lonely but I didn't have the time to give her lots of yard time each day) She is now happy but her leg is still swollen, though slightly less so.. and I am not sure what it could be.
Anyone else deal with this? Any hope for her to be able to walk normal again? Are ducks prone to leg injurie's?
Yes ducks are prone to leg injuries, I have a Runner drake who was fine this morning went out to give them their mealworms this afternoon and he is limping. No swelling but he's hurt his leg somehow. If you can post some pictures of her leg that would help and is the area red or hot to touch? Any place on the leg where there looks to be an injury scab etc?
Any chance of a vet?
During mating season, females can end up with a swollen foot or leg from being chased by drakes. Was that a possibility? Did it heal?

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