Take a look at my eggs and tell me what you see...


In the Brooder
Nov 25, 2017
First time incubating, and shipped eggs to boot. 7 eggs, this is day 6. I noticed air pockets and 3 eggs with dark spots. No obvious veins but I'm no expert. Did not see any blood veins. Anyone see anything or can tell me any additional info from pics? These are sebright bantam eggs. TIA

UPDATE: after researching what a detached air cell looks like, it seems all 7 of them are detached (air bubble rolls all over when moving egg) So.....are they all toast?
Morning, Those eggs are so pourus its hard to see through them. Im not seeing anything either but you might want to give it til day 10 just to be on the safe side . I wouldnt hold out much hope .
I personally don't keep them at this point if they have floating air cells. All of them?! Oh dear, I have eggs on the way, this is exactly what I worry about with shipping in the winter. Seems to happen more often then. I do get some in the warmer weather too, but, more so in the winter. I am only ordering barn yard mixes, that look like will be good egg layers. You should wait until day 10 as you are not real familiar with this, and because photos don't always show us ..the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the whole truth. ;)
Does this happen often? I am planing in ordering hatching eggs and I really would like them to hatch!!! I have only incubated eggs three times when I was younger and don't really remember how to do it. But if I remember correctly ... shouldn't you see something by now? I am not shure . Sorry I was not much help

I would wait for a little longer to give them a chance tho...

Ok good luck!:jumpy
I plan on waiting as long as possible, I don' want to give up on them until I know for 100% sure they'e duds
Does this happen often? I am planing in ordering hatching eggs and I really would like them to hatch!!! I have only incubated eggs three times when I was younger and don't really remember how to do it. But if I remember correctly ... shouldn't you see something by now? I am not shure . Sorry I was not much help

I would wait for a little longer to give them a chance tho...

Ok good luck!:jumpy
Hatch rate for shipped eggs are considerably lower than eggs from your own flock. :) There are those of us, that take chances. I've had several great hatches, some real sad ones, where I only get one or two..or at times, none. I have found, where I can order from and get more to hatch than not through the years. Can't have a rooster where I live. So, shipping is the way I can get what I want.
First time incubating, and shipped eggs to boot. 7 eggs, this is day 6. I noticed air pockets and 3 eggs with dark spots. No obvious veins but I'm no expert. Did not see any blood veins. Anyone see anything or can tell me any additional info from pics? These are sebright bantam eggs. TIA

UPDATE: after researching what a detached air cell looks like, it seems all 7 of them are detached (air bubble rolls all over when moving egg) So.....are they all toast?View attachment 1219427 View attachment 1219429 View attachment 1219430 View attachment 1219431 View attachment 1219432 View attachment 1219433 View attachment 1219434
Look all unfertilized. That is unfortunate. :hmm

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