Take a look at this kooky egg! What happened?


7 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Hawi, Hawaii
Found this weird egg next to the other normal eggs in the ladies favorite nest box today. Thought I'd share it and see if there are any thoughts on what happened. My flock is 6 regular layers, 4 pullets about 22 weeks old, and 5 birds much too young to lay yet. Is it possible that this is a pullet's first egg? I've never seen one of the young ones in the nest so I figured they have a few more weeks.

BTW, the yolk on this egg is gigantic. At least twice the size of a normal yolk.

Thanks for your help!

This side of the egg had a "crackled" effect like Italian plaster.

This side had a "bulge"

Giant yolk, but otherwise normal inside
That could definitely be a pullet egg! My girls started laying eggs at 17 weeks, so it is possible. Wonky eggs are so cool to find. I had one similar to yours--with a bulge, but no cracks.
That could definitely be a pullet egg! My girls started laying eggs at 17 weeks, so it is possible. Wonky eggs are so cool to find. I had one similar to yours--with a bulge, but no cracks.

Oh, that is so exciting! I'll start keeping a look out for who is milling around the nest.

Thanks for the response!

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