Taking Care of a Wild Chickadee (PIC)


10 Years
May 2, 2009
The Redwoods of California
So yesterday a chickadee flew into the house and knocked itself out flying into the window. I kept it in the incubator, and fed it sugar water to perk it up, hoping it would get better so I could let it go. The weird thing is, the bird is completely unafraid of me, and it also doesn't startle at things it should, like a sudden motion in its direction. Right now I feed it sugar water through a straw, and it eats the cockatiel feed. I let it walk around my room (it can also fly, but doesn't) and it sleeps in the incubator (it's at, like, 70 degrees). The little bird is utterly the cutest thing ever, but I can't keep it here forever, and I'm afraid for it in the wild, when its not afraid of anything. Any ideas? Oh, and here's a photo of her:
It does not look like a chickadee. It looks like a very young sparrow. Maybe you could call the game warden and ask them what to do. Not real sure.

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