Tallest breed?

WOW I want my Jersey Giants to be that big.
Not quite as I'd worry of such size, but almost. . . Love big chickens.
I am going with the Malay. This malay stag below is a little over 9 months old and is close to 30 inches. I have seen several that make him look small. I have some of his sons crossed over a wheaton hen. I think they are going to be bigger then him. Unless you have some very good blood lines, most malay don't weigh over 12/13lbs.

Hope you don't try to show him. Anything over 11.4 pounds would be a disqualification in a Langshan cock.

BTW-I too would expect the Malay or some other oriental to be the tallest.
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Now that this thread is back I still would like to know what the excepted measuring posture is. It just seems there is so much room for variation depending on the position of the bird.

Anyone know?


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