Tarp to easy clean coop

I think this method would make cleaning the coop completely out much easier. These would be my concerns: You would throw away a lot of good bedding unless you used a pretty thin layer of bedding. Depends on bedding type, availability, cost, and method of disposal whether this is a big issue. If you do use a thin layer of bedding, the chickens will put more wear on the tarp than if the bedding is deeper. The amount of wear would depend mostly on how much time your chickens spend in the coop. My chickens spend the vast majority of their time in the run when they're not sleeping or laying, so they aren't as hard on the coop flooring. A deeper layer of bedding would also absorb more moisture and therefore would probably negate the need to hose it down.
I have used the same (good quality) tarp on top of a dirt floor for my meat bird coop for 4 /5 batches, so far so good. It would be good indefinitely if I always raised cobbs, which dont do much of anything, but the heritage birds tend to dig a bit more, resulting in more damage. This is with 25ish birds in a 10x10 coop with a run outside, which also will make a difference in lifespan/frequency of needing a change.
I saw give it a try, you can always decide to change. Its not much of an investment in time or energy like a deep bed of sand. (which is also great)

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