Tea tree ointment for assisted hatch chick's inner membrane?


In the Brooder
Sep 22, 2020
I have a chick who I have started helping to hatch. I have read 'Step by Step Guide to ASSISTED Hatching' and noted that using 'antibacterial CLEAR OINTMENT' is recommended to keep the membrane moist. I don't believe Neosporin is available in Australia and I have no idea whether an equivalent is available.

However, I do have tea tree ointment.
I also have tea tree cream and Dettol cream - both labelled as antiseptic.
Would any of these be suitable?
I would also like to add that the chick is no longer cheeping / peeping. It was peeping normally earlier (about 6 hours ago). A few times about 3 hours ago its cheeps / peeps sounded distressed - as if it was in pain. It stopped peeping after about four incidents of those distressed peeps. However, its beak is still moving - opening and closing.

Should I be worried?
The egg was originally underneath a broody hen, but chicks kept dying or they were found with half their shell missing (from top to bottom), so I took a couple of eggs that I was worried about out. I don't have an incubator - just a heat lamp, wet paper towels and a cup in a plastic box.

After my last post, the chick started to gasp and fluid came out of its beak. I panicked and got it out. Its navel hadn't healed properly so it was probably too early. But it might have died if I had waited. There have been about 2-3 chicks from this lot who have pipped through the shell and then died. This has added to my anxiety.

I now have two chicks that I helped to hatch. I think that maybe there was too much water involved because they both make a funny clicking sound when they breathe. I was careful with the water though, so I would assume it wasn't because I got any into their beaks/mouths- but because the wet paper towels made everything too humid?

I didn't end up using the cream or tea tree ointment. I found contradicting information about tea tree being toxic to chickens and nothing about the creams - so I was too afraid to use them.

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