

5 Years
Dec 28, 2014
Does anyone here raise Teal? I'm looking for info on Ringed, Green Winged, or Baikal. I'd like to know how much room they need, how much water, etc.
I raise most all. You can raise em in as little a pen as an 8x12. But the bigger the better is the rule. You can give em a small kiddie pool to swim inor make a pond. Google all you can about the species you want to keep.Id start with them first two cause Baikals are expensive and can sometimes be difficult to breed. If you havent kept waterfowl you might want to start out with the cheap domestic stuff and see if you like it. Good luck.
Thanks for the advice. I am not wanting to breed, but just raise as pets. I think I will start with 1 Ringed Teal and see how it goes. I was thinking of making an 8x4' pen with maybe a 2x3' pool/pond. If I add another bird I will add to the size.

I asked my vet about them and she told me she had ducks on her farm. Advised against it cause she said they stink and make a huge mess. I think she said she had Muscovys, and Indian Runners. They stayed in her barn and of course would make a big mess being on dirt and not cleaned up after. I do know that birds in general can be messy. Do you think a teal or two would be too messy (smelly) indoors???
Would they be worse than a rabbit or ferret? I've had both in doors and they both smelled a bit.
I'm not expecting no odor, but our vet made it sound like they were as bad as skunks! I grew up with pet rabbits and they were litter box trained but still pretty pungent. We kept them in a separate room an although that room stunk a bit, the rest of the house didn't.
Maybe not like skunks but it will smell bad. I woul highly advise keeping a wild duck in a home especially when it will want to take a bath water will get every where. But I have seen it done before

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