Tell me one nice thing about your spouse!

He loves my family, even when he thinks they're acting insane.

I think I'll make this thread a weekly stop . . .
He still likes to hold my hand .. and kiss me in public ..
Well, hes not my husband yet, but we have talked about it...we both would really like to tie the knot.

He is just like me, but with the differences that count.

He is my stability and common sense -- no-matter what the situation.

His optimism is ever-present. The same with his enthusiasm. He seems to glow with it sometimes.

His sense of humor is great. Always able to laugh at things, even himself (sometimes).

He has a type of beauty I have never seen before...not a feminine beauty, but...a beauty of the soul, if you will. Adorable to boot...

He has honor, respect, and manners.

He can put himself in anybodies shoes, and sticks up for anybody being picked on.

He is amazingly loving and caring -- before he even hears my voice, he can tell something is wrong just by looking at me for a second.

He is tough (physically) but his emotions are very strong and he is very sensitive. He is not afraid to express himself, or cry in front of me. I love that he trusts me enough to do that.

I could go on and on. He is perfect for me...I really do believe I found that "one and only", that person that you look for all your life.
My soul-mate.
He is a great Step Dad.

We don't use that term at our house though. DS calls him by his first name, because they are friends. DS graduates the 8th grade tonight. MY DH got up at 2:30 this morning so he could get to work early enough to get off in time to be home for the ceremony! DS Father lives 1 1/2 hours away and is complaining about making the drive for the hour ceremony!

So as you can see I made the right decision!
MY DH makes many sacrifices for my DS. I could not ask for a better role model for my son.
He does so many things, but I'll keep it to one.

He keeps the vehicles maintained, replacing many parts before they go bad, changing oil, etc.

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