Tell me one nice thing about your spouse!

Hubby is always buying me comfortable shoes, because he knows how much my feet bother me and he's always trying to help them feel better................
Nothing better than a man who shows and knows his feelings! I deem that as my hubby's best attribute!

You know Mahonri, I've seen some of your posts and we've got your number now!
Angela my lovely wife and best friends has alot of good things I can't count them, especially that she puts up with me, I work long hours, alot of weekends, most of our income goes back to bisiness, and she really does not complain or say nothing, and she take care of our chickens, even when she has tons of things to do.
My husband lets me be as independant as I want and need to be. He lets me go alone on road trips even though he worries about me on the road. He knows I need my road trips to de-stress and does all he can to help me go. None of my girlfriends have husbands who will let them takeoff like that and they are all jealous. My guy is a prize
My DH has passed but he had so many wonderful characteristics it is hard to not write a whole page of them, but I guess if I would have to pic one it was his ability to love unconditionally not just me but all of his friends and even his evil family.

Oh and he was always happy, and funny, and kind, and smart, and well you get the picture....
Aaaaawwww! That is SO sweet! You're still in love even though he is not here. I love that. I suspect I will be in love with my DH forever, too. I can't imagine a man who could live up to him after all this!!

Yesterday he danced with our 7 year old daughter on his feet and sat and asked the girls all about their day (they were in the memorial day parade and he had to work) I watched him listening to them and thought, "Wow! If my Dad had listened to me like that how much more secure a woman would I have been?" He makes them feel important and loved and safe and that makes me love him more every day!!
He built most of my coop and let ME tell him how to do it yesterday
AND told me that no corner has ever come out square before in his life so I must know what I am doing when I build things
Well, I'm going to name more than one. I'm spoiled rotton!

He is an excellent cook and loves cooking.

He is smart and very funny, easy on the eyes too.

He's a loyal friend and husband, fun to talk to.

He cries in movies, Marley and Me had us both sobbing and blubbering.

He Loves Chickens!!!! (but not as much as he loves our dogs.)

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