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My username is BantamFan4Life. Although this username is fairly self-explanatory, it means this: I love bantams! Once I got bantams, I suddenly it care for standard chickens much anymore. I'm BantamFan4Life because I will always love bantams!
My username is BantamFan4Life. Although this username is fairly self-explanatory, it means this: I love bantams! Once I got bantams, I suddenly it care for standard chickens much anymore. I'm BantamFan4Life because I will always love bantams!

I adore my Bantam as well.

x 2 .. I have 6 little banties and love them to bits!
Daxigait comes from my first Peruvian Paso. Horses with fabulous gait and Dax was my first so daxigait. I chose it for a username back in the nineties for a Peruvian site, took it to eBay as it arose, and have carried it on.
you are very lucky to have owned Pasos, I've always found them appealing, are they really as nice to ride as I have read.
Yes they are great to ride. I have owned nicely gaited ones and my pretty boy was as smooth as glass. He had tons of easily controllable go, but you could fly faster than a canter and never bounce. He won every champagne class we ever entered except for one where the kids were in with us and I lost some because the judge called for a circle as I was passing a kid who never looked and started to turn. I had to do a sit stop which is hard with a champagne glass so I lost some, but we still took second:). Many of them are very friendly, but some lines take a while to bond to new people so some people don't like that. Once they join you though they will give you everything they have and are a fabulous riding horse.
Here is my pretty boy Corsario. I miss him every day even though I have three others now he is irreplaceable.
image from his las day so he looks a bit rough and red joined the flaxen in a shorter than normal mane and forelock.
Two are staying and one young mare is looking for a new home since she needs a rider around 155 or less. It is a shame that she is refined because I really like how she moves.

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