
Hi in my signature there is a Tennessee list of breeders so far and what breeds they have. You can check there
Hi!! I am also looking for chicks. I live in the Nashville area, I live about an hour out of Nashville, right outside Dickson. I've been scouring craigslist, and looking all over the place, but tractor Supply doesn't have them anymore.
Grrrrr. So, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get chicks?? Thanks!!

Woohoo..TN! I'm Greyfeathers ( for all the birds I've had and have that have gray feathers), well, okay..so my hair is gray too. Hubby and I are in NW tn. Right close to Paris Landing State Park and live on about 25 acres of woodland with four other families. Two of which have at least 50 acres of same type of land. We're both disabled vets and used to live in Lebanon and Nashville. I'm thinking we won't move from where we are now. We're still recovering from two tornadoes that hit us a few years ago and totaled our home and devastated the land here. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough insurance to replace our home, so we are trying to rebuild it ourselves. Not so successfully I must add. But, it's okay..we've got our home..none of our pets/animals/companions were injured although we lost our huge flock of 40+ wild turkey and several deer never returned. We see a few hens now and then and one male...those I'm trying to coax back here with cracked corn. Doesn't look like the three deer who remained and are Great Mama, her two year old doe and last year's fawn..are preggars. We'll hope for next year. I'm wanting to get some chicks and maybe some geese kids again. My favorite duck hen was killed year before last which was very difficult for me to handle although I've handled many deaths of my pet companions..for some reason this one was terrible difficult. You'd think after rehabbing wildlife and exoctic birds for about 40 years..a person would become numb to death. But for me..no..never numb and I always investigate the death. So glad to see other Tennesseans on board and hope I can meet up some time..maybe get a chick or two. :) three, or four..or umm more..
Hey..another Tennessean! So far, all the places (hatcheries online) well, most..will have the kind of chicks i'm looking for on the 11th of May..I see some locals show the same info. I might be stuck in the hospital next week, so I'm on hold again. Hubby says..yes they'll stick me in..I'm saying NO they won't. We'll see. I can hardly wait to get my hands on the widdle chick kids.
Hi!! I am also looking for chicks. I live in the Nashville area, I live about an hour out of Nashville, right outside Dickson. I've been scouring craigslist, and looking all over the place, but tractor Supply doesn't have them anymore.
Grrrrr. So, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get chicks?? Thanks!!

Welcome! I will pm you. I have chicks running out my ears!

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