
Well ****.

You have ALOT of different kinds of chooks!
I'd definitely be interested in a few olive eggers to go with my lonely roo, and I have a good friend who loves orpingtons, I never knew they came in Chocolate and Mauve....got any pics?
And what, pray tell, is an Isabelle Maran?
LOL, you're chicken crazy girl!!!



A mauve is a blue orpington that shows choc. I will try to get pics of the pullets I have growing out today. OR if curiosity gets the best of you, you can google them. Choc is a very common color in Orps.... Mauve not as much.

Isabelle marans are Lavender Copper Marans.

I should have some Lavender Olive Eggers by spring. I need to sell some of the Marans that are in with my Lav Roo now and put some of the Isabelle Split Marans in with him to make Lavender Olive Eggers.

BTW all mine are LF except the Silkies and SPW.
Anyone in east Tn breed rare chickens? I am looking to add something different to my yard. Has t be good sized and non flighty.
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Quote: That depends on the breed and what your definition of rare is

I have lots of rare breeds I don't have any issues with most of them.

MFL very hard to keep chicks alive
Tolbunt Polish.... can't keep those chicks alive either.

I have
CCL... they do fine
Rhodebars They do fine too
Eng Orpingtons do fine
ALL of my Marans do fine (Isabelles, Cuckoos....that is all that might be RARE)
Choc and Mauve Orpingtons and Wyandottes do fine.

Can't think of anything else I have or had.

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