
Hickman County-----Middle TN

I have 10 Domiquers, Red, Gold, Black Sex Link, Silver Wyonndot,some mutts, RIRs, NHRs, Rouen Ducks, Pekin Ducks, a pond full of catfish, bass, carp, and perch, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 DH, 2 DS, 1 DD, and 5GKs.

Been a member of this board since 2002, but couldn't remember my screen name or password so I had to re-register.
Old age will do that to ya.
Welcome BACK!!! Yeah I also suffer from CRS - Can't remember sh........

My mother also calls it Oldsheimers.

Whatever it is, when it strikes, it sucks.
Hello neighbors!
I was wondering if there was any kind of "TN traders" sort of thing, like they have for Texas, Kentucky, now Ohio, and a couple more. Is there anything like that, and, if not, would anyone be interested in one, I have a couple of birds I would sell but not much worth the price or the hassle of shipping, thanks! -Jake
I would be interested in a "TN Traders". I live in Murfreesboro

Right now I'm looking for a heritage, breeding or SQ quality partridge cochin Roo, or a breeder or show quality PR in TN. Large Fowl.

Also looking for heritage or SQ BR pullets - two.

I know I'm generally waiting for spring but we always get new people and hope springs eternal.

Lost a pullet over the weekend when she decided to find a way into the dog yard. Sigh. Survival of the fittest includes those not that stupid.
I REALLY need my varmit dogs, so I'm not really troubled by the loss. If it weren't for the varmit dogs moles would kill most of my baby orchard trees and much of what I grow.

A chicken that can't figure out not to run into a whole pack of dogs in their run is just plain to dumb to live. The chickens have six acres, they really don't need the greenery in the dogs' two acres.

I didn't like it much but it was anticipated. Just cannot believe a chicken managed to fit through the gap I had to find and close. Geez.


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