Test Tubes -- Restarted

Warren folded his wings behind his back after Mel had finished, the bandage was a little awkward, like a band aid on a knee, but she had done a good job, at least he could still unfurl his wings. The bleeding had slowed tremendously because he wasn't working so hard anymore, and the adrenaline was almost out of his system. His next thoughts turned to the Flock. Horrible images flashed through his head as he tried to prop himself up on his elbows, managing to get halfway there before his vision blurred and grayed. When his eyes cleared again, he was back to the same position. Feeling helpless, he sighed and dropped his head against the ground.
Warren folded his wings behind his back after Mel had finished, the bandage was a little awkward, like a band aid on a knee, but she had done a good job, at least he could still unfurl his wings. The bleeding had slowed tremendously because he wasn't working so hard anymore, and the adrenaline was almost out of his system. His next thoughts turned to the Flock. Horrible images flashed through his head as he tried to prop himself up on his elbows, managing to get halfway there before his vision blurred and grayed. When his eyes cleared again, he was back to the same position. Feeling helpless, he sighed and dropped his head against the ground. 

Mel frowned. "Did I do all right?" she asked Warren. She waited for the questions to flood from the other members of the Pack, and looked at their reactions to him being there.
"Yes." Warren said, his voice muffled by the ground. He tried to ignore the throbbing which seemed to be amplified by the bandages. He wished he could get up, but he was pretty much stuck there until someone moved him, even then, he wouldn't be able to move very much because he had lost a lot of blood.

Clayton who had been poking at the fire, looked up interested. He wasn't wondering why he was here; he was a mutant, if he needed help and we could give it to him then there is really no reason not to. He wanted to know where or how far away the erasers where, because it was obvious that this hadn't been a training accident. acting quickly, he began to put dirt on the fire, it didn't seem to be making any smoke but there was no use in risking it. Once the fire was covered, he realized how many people weren't at the camp. (Raise of hands please? who is at the camp?)
((Mel is, and Horace is on his way back))

Keiara kicked an eraser away as she got back up. Blood was gushing from the bite wound, but she couldn't worry about that right now.

Horace ran back towards the camp. He had heard Erasers, and he couldn't leave his Pack alone to be attacked. Someone had snuffed out the fire, thankfully, so the smoke wouldn't give away their position. But he smelled blood... "What's he doing here?"

Realizing that Warren was uncomfortable, Mel had carefully rolled him over and propped him up with a log, so he didn't have his face in the ground. "Jeremy found him, hurt. If we hadn't brought him back here, his condition would be even worse." she turned to the Flock member. "What's your name?"
((Mel is, and Horace is on his way back))

Keiara kicked an eraser away as she got back up. Blood was gushing from the bite wound, but she couldn't worry about that right now.

Horace ran back towards the camp. He had heard Erasers, and he couldn't leave his Pack alone to be attacked. Someone had snuffed out the fire, thankfully, so the smoke wouldn't give away their position. But he smelled blood... "What's he doing here?"

Realizing that Warren was uncomfortable, Mel had carefully rolled him over and propped him up with a log, so he didn't have his face in the ground. "Jeremy found him, hurt. If we hadn't brought him back here, his condition would be even worse." she turned to the Flock member. "What's your name?"
Carefully maneuvering his wings so they weren't pinned underneath him, he looked around blearily, "Ren." He answered briefly then closed his eyes. Opening them again, a little reluctantly, "We were under attack, my wings were shot."
(Btw, if you hadn't figured it out it's pronounced Ren, as in Wren, which is a bird with similarly colored wings. You can also call him Wren.)
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