Test Tubes -- Restarted

"With our Pack." Clayton said softly, looking around. There had been a lot of erasers, but they were all either dead or unconscious. "And I suggest you get out of here..... more will be coming because the first wave is dead." he paused and added, almost predicting her concern. "We'll take care of him until he can fly again."
(Injuries to their wings take a while to heal... remember?)
"Then take us to your camp. We don't abandon members just because of injuries. We either help or walk ourselves." Alex said, eyes narrowed. She didn't trust easy, and wouldn't let them take one of the members of the Flock. Although the Pack and Flock weren't enemies, she wouldn't let the Pack take Ren.
(WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!I had a plan! D:)
Clayton narrowed his eyes slightly offended that she didn't trust them, "He can't travel as of now, and if I'm right reinforcements of erasers should be coming in a few minutes. Do you plan on carrying him?"
(sorry, but that won't work. Groups don't leave people behind.)

"Yes. I know. We've been through this before. And no, but we will stay with him and travel by foot till he's better. Shouldn't take more than a few days." Alex said, her tone indicating that there was no arguing the point.
(Rawr. Being diplomatic is not good D:)
Clayton sighed. Didn't anyone think things through? or did they have to be constantly and sometimes overly chivalrous? "You would just be putting him in more danger! He...." He swallowed his comments. He couldn't convince everyone. It seemed like all these people were obnoxiously pig headed. "Follow." He said, but didn't sound too happy about it.
(Rawr. Being diplomatic is not good D:)
Clayton sighed. Didn't anyone think things through? or did they have to be constantly and sometimes overly chivalrous? "You would just be putting him in more danger! He...." He swallowed his comments. He couldn't convince everyone. It seemed like all these people were obnoxiously pig headed. "Follow." He said, but didn't sound too happy about it. 
Alex swept he hand outward, keeping her expression neutral. "Lead the way." She said, reading the expression on his face as annoyance, but ignored it.
Miana cringed, the scent of blood making her nauseous as she flew, causing her to falter. She knew the flock or Pack were near by, or the erasers wouldn't be there. She just hoped she wouldn't get involved with any of thei- Miana felt a searing pain in her should and her right wing, the ground came up fast beneath her, and she hit it with a loud thud. Miana whimpered in pain, and climbed up, she had been shot, and had a bullet skim her shoulder, but go straight through her wing. Miana gasped in pain, it had been a while since she had had some action. She ran in the opposite direction, crying silently while holding her shoulder to slow the light bleeding. She ran, but short gasps and sobs came out, so she just ran faster, gaining speed, her feet aching. Miana ran as fast as she could but her foot caught on a branch or something, causing her to be yanked back and thrown to the ground. She screamed out loud in pain, and just lay there whimpering in pain and agony. how did she go from having a nice walk in the woods, to being chased and shot down by erasers?

(can erasers have guns? )
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Keiara wanted to follow them and make sure Ren was okay, but she wasn't sure she could; she was losing blood fast, and was probably going to be weak for a while. She did some rudimentary first-aid on the gash, slightly slowing the bleeding, but the bandage still soaked through quickly. She sat down on the ground, leaning against a large rock.
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