Test Tubes -- Restarted

Mel nodded and offered her hand to help him up. "Of course." Some of the others had already started. With the 'cripple' at the back, the group might be moving a bit slower than they would have wanted to. After pulling Ren to his feet, Mel put on her beanie. She absolutely despised the moment when her eats were pressed flat against her head before they found the ear slits she had made in the fabric. The hat had provided cover for the fact that she had ears, because she had seen several people wearing similar hats -except maybe for the fact that their ears weren't real.(Yes I've seen beanies with cat ears :p ) Melody stayed with Ren, assuming -because she had brought him here- that she was kind of responsible for him.
(I have one with bear ears.... or monkey.)
Warren's head spun as he stood up but he managed to keep his balance. He paused slightly, thinking that he had heard leaves rustling just outside the clearing. "Did you hear..." He ventured, but decided against it, she probably had more acute hearing than he did and she probably would have noticed it. Added to the fact that he'd hit his head really hard earlier. He followed her a little unsteadily, but kept a somewhat quick pace.
(Btw, I know i didn't say this in his form, he is really tall, he kind of has to be, so his wings don't drag on the ground when he folds them behind him.)
Melody paused, her head turning to where the sound came from. The others were already ahead of she and Ren. "Guys..." she called out in a warning to the rest of the pack. Curiously, she approached the area. Brushing the foliage aside, she saw the scene as an Eraser was trying to attack a girl. She rushed in to try and help her, claws extending.
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Jeremy sighed, things weren't going as planned. He had hoped for him and Jeremy to be together and hang out like back in the good old days, but some stupid erasers had to ruin everything. This repetition of the same problem and action was becoming a bore. Erasers would invade, we would move and hide, wait, erasers invade, and the cycle repeats. He wanted to do something different, if facing erasers were inevitable then why not stall their meeting? Why did it seem to always be in an isolated location. Why couldn't society accept us? Why couldn't we live normal lives... Real clothes, food, body supplies. We're still human aren't we? If we go back to society, maybe we can find someone to protect us... Jeremy stopped as the rest of the group continued to walk Southeast. He looked another direction and pondered abandoning. The chance of anyone following him was small, probably impossible. He didn't want to leave, but he didn't want to keep doing this... no, not anymore, he was done with this. Jeremy caught up with the group.... just not now.

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