
Hey Texans!

I've got two cockerels I'd like to rehome. 1 Serama and 1 PQ Buff Silkie. I also have one BA/Silkie pullet I can throw in if you're interested. Here's a picture of the serama. I don't have a picture of the silkie (I'll try to get one today).
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Yeah, mine too .. How old are these babies? I've got a month old chick that doesn't have anybody (except her stupid adopted silkie mom).. LOL
Hey guys, I wanted to tell yall what happened yesterday to one of my girls. I went to let them out and I use a tarp to seal up the door so nothing can get in; when I pulled the tarp back one of the pullets went with it and at first I thought she was tied up in a loose strand. I went to turn her loose and realized she had swallowed the strand of the tarp, I wasn't sure what to do but cut her loose because I couldn't pull the peace from her thoat. Anyway she also had a wound on her neck, I guess from struggling to get loose from the piece of tarp. I was sure she was going to die, but I watched her all day and checked on her this morning and she looks fine. She is a little rough where the wound is on her neck but she seems to have swalloed the rest of the strand of tarp (or something). It is just crazy what messes these silly birds can get themselves into and what we do for them. Anyone know if she will be able to pass the strand of tarp or have any thoughts on if she may have complications with this? I know they cannot throw-up so wht goes in stays in till it comes out the other end, or not. Like I said, crazy birds.
Hi all! Mostly I am just a lurker here but I have to tell someone who might appreciate it about our last two days. Yesterday on the way to school my 9 yo says "Look Mom there's a chicken with no feathers on it's neck!". And of course I missed it. We were passing the roadside park on the way into town. Well this morning he and his 7 yo brother were on the lookout and there it was a naked necked chicken in the roadside park - who'da thunk it? This afternoon after two attempts and one trip back to the house for chicken feed we caught it. We now think that the reason she was dropped off is that she is mean and bossy. (Either that or she was just trying to get a good bluff in on our 10 week old marans.) She also has no nail on her middle toes and walks pigeon toed. Tonight she wouldn't go in the pen with the other chickens but is sitting on top of it so we'll see how things are in the morning...
BooBooblueeyes, great story about the tarp string! wow! I hope she turns out ok.
Did you get my pm?

I am thinking really hard about taking some of those babies off your hands, especially since we are having some mild weather

(and how can my hubby object if I just show up with themn?)
heh, heh,

Hello central Texans! I have two 14 week old roos to rehome: a BLRW bantam, and a Blue Ameraucana. I hatched both of them myself. The BLRW is from eggs from a breeder in Kentucky, and the Ameraucana is from eggs from MyPetChicken.
Willing to drive halfway



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