

Here is a little something you might enjoy. Watch it before it is gone.

Only for real Texans. Approved by Robert Pratt of Pratt on Texas.

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Rachael - is your daughter tall for her age? My niece was an IVF baby and has always been very tall and I was thinking maybe it has something to do with their insides catching up to their outsides (if that makes any sense).

Did the doc say how long it would be before they could tell if she would outgrow it?
I guess I'm just too Texan. I was thinking, "Ok, they shoot a rattler. So?" hahaha Anyway I like a happy ending too. Happily there's one less rattler around.
Excellent video--loved the music. I always loved a happy ending!

Lisa :)
Advocating the destruction of a species or class of animal is really pretty offensive.

According to TEXAS SNAKES, A FIELD GUIDE written by Dixon and Werler (2000), from 1978 to 1995 the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, reports an average of one death a year from venomous snake bites. "These figures hardly classify venomous snake bite as a high-mortality occurrence, at least in the United States. Outdoor hazards more likely to cause human death in Texas are the stings and bites of insects and arachnids, lightning strikes, hunting accidents involving firearms, and drownings." (Page 5)
Advocating the destruction of a species or class of animal is really pretty offensive.

According to TEXAS SNAKES, A FIELD GUIDE written by Dixon and Werler (2000), from 1978 to 1995 the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, reports an average of one death a year from venomous snake bites.  "These  figures hardly classify venomous snake bite as a high-mortality occurrence, at least in the United States.  Outdoor hazards more likely to cause human death in Texas are the stings and bites of insects and arachnids, lightning strikes, hunting accidents involving firearms, and drownings."  (Page 5)

OMG it was a joke! I'm all for protecting a species but if you can't take a joke don't mess with the texans who can.

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